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Jonathan’s Resource Ezine |
Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
In This Issue |
- Featured Article: The Exorcism of Doubt: How the New Film “The Exorcism of Emily Rose” Provokes the Audience to Decide if God and the Devil Exist
- Featured Interview: Jonathan Interviews Scott Derrickson, Christian Filmmaker Who Just Made “The Exorcism of Emily Rose”
- Something You Can Use: Three Things I Hope NOT to See at the Pole
- Last Chance for $10 Early Bird Rate- Get Trained in One of Two Cities: Reaching the Unchurched Training in Wisconsin, West Tennessee/West Kentucky
- VIDEO DISCUSSION WRITE-UP CONTEST: Win the New BEN HUR Four-Disc Collector’s Edition DVD with Bible Study Guide
If you aren’t a subscriber of this EZINE and would like to subscribe – it’s free – just pop on and sign up in the upper right hand corner. |
Featured Article: The Exorcism of Doubt: How the New Film “The Exorcism of Emily Rose” Provokes the Audience to Decide if God and the Devil Exist |
You might have heard the hype about the new film, THE EXORCISM OF EMILY ROSE. Despite the previews, this is a compelling courtroom drama from talented Christian director Scott Derrickson.
Jonathan gives his “2 cents” about the film:
“Are we alone in this life?”
“Do God and the Devil exist?”
It’s up to the courts to decide.
And that’s what Christian director Scott Derrickson leaves us to decide in the fantastic new courtroom drama and thriller, The Exorcism of Emily Rose.
Emily Rose is the compelling story of a young woman who becomes inexplicably ill. Emily (Jennifer Carpenter) experiences terrifying visions and endures wracking convulsions that leave her body twisted and weak. She is diagnosed as epileptic by a neurologist, but the medication he prescribes proves ineffective. Her symptoms worsen, and a second diagnosis by a psychologist is that Emily is not only epileptic, but also psychotic.
As her attacks become ever more frequent and severe, and medical treatment offers no relief, Emily, a devout Catholic, chooses to undergo an exorcism conducted by her parish priest, Father Richard Moore (Tom Wilkinson). When the young girl dies during the terrifying exorcism the priest is charged with negligent homicide.
Erin Bruner (Laura Linney), a high-profile defense lawyer reluctantly agrees to represent Father Moore in exchange for the guarantee of a partnership at her law firm. As the trial progresses, Erin’s cynicism and agnosticism are challenged by Father Moore’s unwavering faith and by the eerie, inexplicable events that surround the case.
Father Moore warns Erin that this case will be a spiritual battle and that certain forces will be battling against her.
Erin contends, “I’m an agnostic, remember?”
Father Moore replies, “Demons exist whether you believe in them or not!”
Eventually, the court must decide whether Emily’s problem was medical or spiritual. The court must decide what to believe.
And the prosecution’s closing argument was clear. “Don’t you believe it!”
But Father Moore is determined to tell Emily’s story. “People will know that demon’s are real. People think God is dead. But how can they say that if I show them the devil.”
And that’s what we’re left with.
“Are we alone in this life?”
“Is this tragedy the work of the devil?”
The devil either exists or he doesn’t. What do you believe?
Emily Rose breaks new ground, blending suspense and/or horror with courtroom drama. I almost hesitate to use the label “horror” for this incredible film because many will automatically categorize it with films about six horny teenagers going to a cabin for a weekend only to get diced and sliced by someone who loves power tools …
Featured Interview: Jonathan Interviews Scott Derrickson, Christian Filmmaker Who Just Made “The Exorcism of Emily Rose” |
Scott Derrickson is a talented Hollywood writer and director … and he also happens to be a Christian. Let’s be honest: some people wonder if the two can co-exist. That’s a little of what I talk with Scott about in this interview. You may not agree with everything he says, but I think you’ll be interested in how he is using the horror genre to provoke people to think about spiritual issues.
JONATHAN: First, I have to tell you, I attended a screening of your film last night and I really enjoyed it. Well … I don’t know if “enjoy” is the word. The film was excellent … and it scared the living snot out of me. Does that connote enjoyment?
SCOTT:(laughing) I guess.
JONATHAN: Seriously. It was very good.
SCOTT: Thanks. I’m glad you liked it-that’s great.
JONATHAN: Yeah, going into the theatre I really didn’t know what to expect because I haven’t seen any of your other pictures … but Emily Rose was excellent. (CLICK HERE FOR JONATHAN’S REVIEW OF THE FILM) Now I’m really curious and want to rent some of your earlier stuff.
So let’s talk briefly about your career in Hollywood. You’re a Hollywood writer and director whose prior films that you worked on are NOT Chariots of Fire, or even Herbie or Winn Dixie … they’re Hellraiser: Inferno, one of the Urban Legends films, and now The Exorcism of Emily Rose. So … are Christian’s boycotting you yet? Are you from the spawn of “Teletubbies” as far as Falwell is concerned? How are Christian’s reacting to you?
SCOTT: Well, I think early on in my career I created quite a bit of head scratching amongst Christians because I think there was an assumption that if a Christian was going to work in this industry it would be to promote family friendly entertainment, that sort of thing.
JONATHAN: Sure, I could see that being an expectation.
SCOTT: But I think that it’s not hard for a lot of young Christians to understand why a Christian should be making genre movies. And the horror genre not only being an acceptable genre but the best genre for a Christian to be involved in because it is such a great genre for dealing with spiritual ideas.
JONATHAN: Yep. And I read your “2 cents” about the horror genre in some of your earlier interviews. But for those who haven’t heard that, tell us. Why horror?
SCOTT: Well there’s a number of things that I find uniquely compelling about the horror genre as a Christian. I think that it’s definitely the most open and appropriate for religious, theological and spiritual subject matter. A lot of horror films not only allow for that, they necessitate that. I think that horror is also the best genre for identifying and defining good and evil. Almost all horror films are in some form a commentary on good and evil. I love the fact that evil is defined and taken seriously in most horror films. Even “slasher” movies-I love the fact that it’s the only genre where murder is “horrific.” I think that’s a good thing. It reinforces our ideas of good and evil.
For me personally, my favorite thing about the genre is that I consider it the genre of non-denial. You know- I think a lot of Hollywood movies are about escaping reality. And what I love about the horror genre is that it’s about confronting realities; confronting realities that are difficult to confront; facing things that frighten us. It’s a genre that makes us admit to ourselves that there is evil in the world, evil in ourselves and evil in nature. And a lot of times it’s evil that we can’t control. And it’s important for Christians to reckon with their hesitant and fearful feelings about that.
JONATHAN: So how do you balance that with “immitatable behavior.” In other words, there are certain films out there that you watch … like many of Adrian Lynn’s films (Fatal Attraction, Unfaithful) and you respond, “Wow, I never want to have an affair.” You don’t want to do the “bad behavior.” There’s a lesson to be learned from the story told. But if you watch other films where you can’t even differentiate the good and the bad, the hero might be the bad guy or have terrible values and we as the audience sit in our seats going, “Cooooool! I want to kick butt like this guy.” So how do you balance keeping that good and evil “black and white?”
Something You Can Use: Three Things I Hope NOT to See at the Pole |
For those of us in the U.S., “See You at the Pole” is right around the corner. This event brings opportunities for prayer … and opportunities to REPEL people from the church. That’s right, REPEL.
- Last year if you missed Jonathan’s article about “Three Things I hope to NOT See at the Pole” … then you’ll want to check it out: THREE THINGS I HOPE TO NOT SEE AT THE POLE! (CLICK HERE)
- Also, the See You at the Pole web site (CLICK HERE) gives some great guidelines. The event is student led, and student run. The site clearly defines it: “See You at the Pole is not a public demonstration. It is not a club meeting. It is not a church service. See You at the Pole is a time for students to pray for their schools, friends, communities, and countries. Even when faced with opposition, students should keep in mind that they have gathered for the sole purpose of prayer.”
As we approach this annual event, please continue to pray that God will use “See You at the Pole” as a great opportunity for students to focus on Him.
Last Chance for $10 Earlybird Rate- Get Trained in One of 2 Cities: Reaching the Unchurched Training in Wisconsin, West Tennessee/West Kentucky |
Youth Specialties/Zondervan recently released Jonathan’s hit new book, DO THEY RUN WHEN THEY SEE YOU COMING? REACHING OUT TO UNCHURCHED TEENAGERS. (CLICK HERE FOR THE BOOK) And the training is coming to two U.S. cities this month!
-Waupun, WI-
September 17th, Jonathan is doing a Saturday workshop (9AM to 3PM) for youth workers within driving distance of the Milwaukee, Madison, and Fox Valley areas. If you’re a youth worker, paid or a volunteer, this is for you!
Here’s the details:
- Saturday, September 17th, 9AM to 3PM
- Youth for Christ/The Union Youth Center, 450 East Franklin Street, Waupun, WI 54963
- Two choices:
- $20 after Sept 14th or at the door on the 17th (includes lunch)
- ONLY $10 if you pre-register before September 14th (includes lunch)
- Contact Fond du Lac Area Youth for Christ at (920) 923-1416 or email
-Paris, TN-
September 24th, Jonathan is doing a Saturday workshop (9AM to 3PM) for youth workers in the West Tennessee/West Kentucky area. If you’re a youth worker, paid or a volunteer, this is for you!
Here’s the details:
- Saturday, September 24th, 9AM to 3PM
- Tennessee Valley Community Church, 1025 Mineral Wells Ave., Paris, TN 38242
- Two choices:
- $20 after September 21st or at the door on the 24th (includes lunch)
- ONLY $10 if you pre-register before September 21st (includes lunch)
($10 pre-registration will be available at the See Ya at the Pole Rally Jonathan is speaking at in Paris, TN on September 21st.)
- CONTACT the Tennessee Valley church office at (731) 641-8822
VIDEO DISCUSSION WRITE-UP CONTEST: Win the New BEN HUR Four-Disc Collector’s Edition DVD with Bible Study Guide |

With 100,000 costumes, 8,000 extras, 300 sets and a budget that, at the time, was the most expensive in MGM’s history, Ben-Hur is widely considered to be one of the most accomplished Biblical-era epics ever made.
“I love using clips from this film as a discussion starter about who Jesus is!” -Jonathan McKee-
HERE’S HOW TO WIN: We are giving away THREE of these New BEN HUR Four-Disc Collector’s Edition DVD’s to three youth different youth workers who submit a “discussion idea” for a scene from the movie BEN HUR.
HOW TO ENTER: Just email your discussion idea to by Midnight, West Coast time on September 30th.
WHAT DO I SUBMIT: Include the following in your video clip discussion idea write-up for the movie BEN HUR:
- Include your name, how you serve in youth ministry, and where you serve
- Where the clip is in the movie (what DVD chapter, start time, stop time)
- Describe the scene and any important dialogue
- Include the main idea you teach from the discussion starter
- Include any discussion questions you would ask.
WE WILL PICK THREE WINNERS OCTOBER 1st! Each Winner will receive one of the new BEN HUR Four-Disc Collector’s Edition DVD’s with Bible Study Guide
ABOUT THE DVD: Ben-Hur, winner of 11 Academy Awards?, will debut as a Four-Disc Collector’s Edition DVD with Bible Study Guide on September 13 from Warner Home Video. Reverend Dr. Robert H. Schuller and son Reverend Dr. Robert A. Schuller, Co-Chairmen of Crystal Cathedral Ministries, have authored this guide as part of what truly is a unique collection.
Additionally, William Wyler’s epic masterpiece has been newly remastered from the original 65mm film elements. The DVD now boasts more than 10 hours of bonus features including an all-new documentary on the film’s influence with leading filmmakers including Ridley Scott (Kingdom of Heaven, Gladiator) and George Lucas (Star Wars films), a making-of documentary hosted by Christopher Plummer, scene specific commentary by Charlton Heston, rare screen tests, a reproduction of the original theatrical souvenir program, plus the 1925 silent version of the film with musical score by Carl Davis. The Four-Disc Collector’s Edition DVD with Bible Study Guide will sell for $39.92. Look for the specially-marked edition available in Christian retail stores and wherever DVDs are sold.
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All rights reserved.
Jonathan McKee
Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.