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Jonathan’s Resource Ezine |
Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
In This Issue |
- Featured Article: Youth Culture Barometer This Week
- Something You Can Use: A Talk/Message You Can Use for Your Fall Kickoff-“A New Beginning”
- Win an iPhone: September is the last month for the Source iPhone Contest- Where your “two cents” could be worth a new iPhone
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Featured Article: Youth Culture Barometer This Week |

It’s that time of year again… the time where we gain a little insight into the collection of media that kids are putting into their heads. A few weeks ago we saw this via the Teen Choice Awards and I offered my two cents. This coming week we see the biggest youth culture barometer of them all… the MTV MVAs.
David wrote the pre-VMA piece for this week’s YOUTH CULTURE WINDOW article, a great summary of what to expect. Next week I’ll write the afterthoughts.
Something You Can Use: A Talk/Message You Can Use for Your Fall Kickoff- “A New Beginning” |

A lot of you are kicking off your fall ministries right now so I chose a talk that you could use for the kickoff of your ministry!
TOPIC: Clean Slate
BIG IDEA: God cares more about our future than our past.
(John 8:11)
This young woman’s story is true and powerful, but I changed the names and small details for anonymity. It’s a great story to help kids not only consider their day-to-day choices but also realize it’s not too late to make a change.
The only thing worse than dying of AIDS is living with AIDS. Donna has been living with AIDS for almost a decade.
Donna’s friends from high school wouldn’t even recognize her now. Her body has taken a beating for the last eight years. Her hair is cut shorter for easier care, and her weight has dropped to a level that leaves her looking as frail as a woman three times her age.
Donna never knows when she’ll get sick. She’ll feel great one moment, and the next moment she’ll be sick to her stomach. At times, while she shopped at the mall, she lost control of her bowels. She has a few close friends who come to get her at times like these, bringing her home and helping her clean herself up.
Donna never would’ve guessed this is how her life would turn out. She was a popular student in high school and very pretty. Like most of her friends, she frequented parties and tried drinking-and even a little pot. It never even occurred to her that she’d become an alcoholic. She never considered the possibility that she’d wake up with guys she didn’t even know. And AIDS was never a fear. In Donna’s mind, AIDS was never even a possibility.
But Donna’s drinking became more regular and her partying became more severe. The more she partied, the more reckless her behavior became. She doesn’t even remember the first time she had sex-she couldn’t tell you his name.
Donna’s drinking led to other substance abuse. Donna was living her life for herself, and she figured she’d be happiest doing whatever she wanted. That was her philosophy in life: Do whatever I want, and take it one day at a time.
By the time Donna would’ve graduated from high school, she’d dropped out, was kicked out of her house, and found herself sleeping with people for alcohol or drugs. But this wasn’t enough to support her habit, so she began robbing houses with some of her friends.
This went on for several years. Donna would sometimes wake up on a sidewalk somewhere on a street she didn’t recognize. Then this became a regular occurrence-she was homeless.
One day Donna woke up on someone’s front lawn in the suburbs. She had no idea where she was-she couldn’t even remember the night before. But her eyes opened to see a well-dressed older couple standing over her. “Are you okay, young lady? Should we call an ambulance?”
Donna quickly waved them away. “I’m fine. Sorry, I just felt sick and had to lie down for a few minutes.”
But the couple didn’t go away. They insisted she come inside their house and get something to eat.
Donna says she was thinking, This is great! I’ll get a free meal out of these idiots and stake out their house so I can come and rip them off later.
This became an easy possibility because the couple fed her eggs and some delicious hot blueberry muffins, then told her they needed to leave for church. They invited Donna, but she refused: “Sorry. I don’t do church.” She started to get up to leave, but the couple insisted she stay for a while.
“We’ll be back in just a couple of hours. Make yourself at home.” The man put on his coat and the lady disappeared into the bedroom for a moment.
Donna thought to herself, These Christians could be the stupidest people in the entire world. They have no idea who they just invited into their house.
The lady brought Donna a blanket, tucked her in on the hide-a-bed in the living room, and left for church with her husband…
The Corresponding Small Group Discussion Curriculum
As a Free Resource on Our Web Site
Click Here to order the
Entire 10-Minute Talks Book Now
Win an iPhone: September is the last month for the Source iPhone Contest- Where your “two cents” could be worth a new iPhone |

It’s been fun letting you, our THE SOURCE EZINE subscribers, already get early “dibbs” on Jonathan’s new book, 10-Minute Talks. Now we want your feedback! This contest is a little way to reward all of you for your comments!
What others are already saying about this incredible new book:
“Jonathan truly understands youth and how to minister to them. He also knows how to communicate Scripture to youth in high-impact ways. 10-Minute Talks is filled with messages that do exactly that.”
-Dan Kimball, author, They Like Jesus but Not the Church: Insights from Emerging Generations
“Working with junior highers, I’ve learned the importance of short, high-impact lessons. Thanks, Jonathan, for providing us with an easy-to-use resource that makes the tough job of writing talks a whole lot easier!”
-Kurt Johnston, Saddleback Church; author, My Faith, My Family, My Friends, and My School (from the Youth Specialties Middle School Survival Series)
“Few things have greater power than a story. Jonathan McKee has gathered some unforgettable stories that can provide a foundation for presenting life-changing truth. If you only have 10 minutes, this may be what you need to make every one of them count.”
-Ken Davis, author, How to Speak to Youth…and Keep Them Awake at the Same Time
“Spurgeon said that the first golden rule in holding an audience’s attention is to say something worth hearing. Relevance. That’s what keeps people riveted on the Word of God. Jonathan McKee shows us how to demonstrate the Bible’s relevance for youth. These talks grew in the soil of Jonathan’s experience (young people have real needs) and were forged in the fire of his convictions (the Bible has real answers).”
-Jeffrey Arthurs, professor of preaching and communication, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
“Good, tight talks to teenagers are a challenge, if not an art form. Jonathan’s book not only supplies practical outlines and stories that make this task much easier, it teaches a way of thinking about talks that you’ll carry with you into a fruitful ministry anywhere. While there’s no such thing as a ?just add water’ resource, if you learn to ?just add context,’ this book will jump on and off your shelf like your favorite cereal!”
-Dr. Dave Rahn, vice president and chief ministry officer, Youth for Christ/USA
“If you can talk to kids, you can talk to anybody! I’ve always believed that youth pastors make the best preachers, and Jonathan’s book proves the point. His method and messages will help every communicator connect quickly, communicate clearly, and close effectively.”
-F. Bryan Wilkerson, senior pastor, Grace Chapel, Lexington, Massachusetts
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Jonathan McKee
Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.