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eZine 08.19.2008

Jonathan’s Resource Ezine

Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

In This Issue

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Featured: Training You to Keep Their Attention-Jonathan Teaches Youth Workers How to Speak to a Generation with a Short Attention Span

How can we impact a generation that doesn’t seem to want to listen for very long?

“I’m sorry… what was that? I wasn’t paying attention.”


Speaker and author Jonathan McKee says for many people the answers is shorter, story-driven talks. Jonathan has years of experience speaking at school assemblies, outreach events and camps. His storytelling style has proven to be very effective. But how does that carry over to some of us who don’t speak for a living?

Shorter, story-driven talks.

Jonathan has been teaching about the power of a story for a decade (you saw him emphasize it years ago on his online training article about “High Impact Speaking”). Jonathan is still accentuating the importance of good storytelling at his seminar, based on his new book, at the Youth Specialties National Youth Workers Convention this year.
10-Minute Talks
This new book of his, 10-Minute Talks, just hit the shelves of book stores everywhere (although THE SOURCE readers are just clicking HERE and buying the book from us, saving 34% off the cover price). Readers are not only enjoying the 24 ready-made talks and the free included CD that allows them to adapt any of the talks to their ministry… readers are also raving about the simple instructions and format that Jonathan provides, helping speakers lay out a potent, captivating talk that keeps a crowds attention!

At the National Youth Worker Convention, in both Sacramento and Pittsburgh, Jonathan will be teaching the following workshop, helping youth workers keep the attention of this generation:

Using 10-Minute Talks: Speaking to a Generation with a Short Attention Span

Wouldn’t it be nice if all of us could communicate the Scriptures like Rob Bell or speak with the clarity of Andy Stanley? But let’s face it: We aren’t them. So we should stop trying to be them, right? Students’ attention spans are growing shorter and the need to communicate to this lost generation is even greater. How can we communicate truth in a way that teenagers will truly remember? In this seminar you’ll learn the power and effectiveness of the 10-Minute Talk, a method of storytelling that’s laser focused and impactful.

Get the book now, or consider attending this training convention.

For more reading about communicating to youth-check out this free training article on our web site

International Focus: The Source’s David R. Smith is Coming to South Africa and Would Love to Visit Your Ministry

Many of our users may be surprised to learn that The Source for Youth Ministry’s touch is not limited to the United States, but is actually felt in numerous places around the world. Each month, our website is accessed by thousands of youth workers in Europe, Australia, South America, and Africa.

We’ve met people from around the globe that use our free resources. One of our board members even gave a THE SOURCE golf hat to a good ministry friend in Kenya-you never know where you’ll see someone “blinging” THE SOURCE name!

In late September and early October, our own David R. Smith will be traveling to South Africa with a team of leaders from his church in Tampa, FL to engage students in the AIDS-ravished region of Kwamhlanga (just northeast of Johannesburg and Pretoria).

Much of his trip will involve discipling teenagers in the surrounding villages, visiting the Mukhanyo Theological Seminary, and assisting local youth leaders in their difficult work of reaching African teenagers with the love of Jesus amidst the devastation and corruption that has become South Africa.

The team will be returning to the U.S. on October 3rd, but David has offered to stay a couple extra days in country to assist any local youth pastor, youth leader, or church in Johannesburg and Pretoria with concerns related to youth ministry.

If you are in this area, David will be happy to meet with you (and your team) to discuss youth ministry tactics, offer one of the many seminars from The Source, or get a feel for the needs of youth workers in Africa.

David will ONLY be available on October 4th and 5th. To schedule time with David, please contact him at David@TheSource4YM.com.

Blessings to our fellow laborers in South Africa, and around the world!

The Source Podcast: The highly anticipated PART II of the two part outreach series: High Impact Outreach Ministry


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Listen to it now for free on iTunes! (CLICK HERE) Or, if you don’t have iTunes already… jump on Apple’s web page for a free download, then click on our podcast page.

This is one of our favorite podcast series yet! In this much-anticipated second part of the two-part outreach podcast, Jonathan and David are joined once again by Rob Maxey of Youth for Christ, where he shares his Seven Sins of Visiting Kids On Campus. Get ready to take notes as the “Outreach Guru” shares his strategies.


Jonathan and David sit down with Rob Maxey to pick his brain about doing effective outreach ministry to unchurched teens in the Sacramento area. In the last podcast (Part 1) we heard a lot about Rob’s ministry and his methodology. Now Rob is sharing with us the SEVEN SINS of visiting kids on campus.

Jonathan: Hey, share with us Sin #3.

Rob: I think Sin #3 is to not be aware of your school culture. Or to not be aware of the dance that just took place, to not be aware that you have a winning football team, to not be aware that your school has a great band.

Every school has its own culture, and so as I’m beginning new conversations with students, I want them to be aware that I know ?Hey, were you at the game on Friday night? Man, I can’t believe our undefeated season continues. We’re 11-0.’ Or ?Can you believe the dance show? Wasn’t that a great thing?’ Or even ?What did you think about 21 suspensions at the dance?’ And so immediately, they know that you’re engaged with their culture, you know what’s going on, you’re not perhaps, the typical parent, because ?How do you know that? My parents don’t know that stuff!’

So, I think that you’re meeting them at their level, and it gives you an area of commonality that you can talk about right away. So, the affirmative is to BE AWARE of the school culture and be prepared. Check the football score; see how the water polo team is doing.

Jonathan: How do you do that? How do you stay aware of that stuff? Obviously, you probably attend the football games. But is that just checking in with the office or what?

Rob: Well, I’ll check in at the office. Locally, our newspapers will have great prep sports write-ups, and so I look for specific kids and say, ?Man that was great. I can’t believe you won the high jump championship for the state.’ Those types of things where it’s common knowledge. And then also just through the kids that you work with. You know? ?What was the dance like? Give me the skinny. What was the fire alarm all about?’ Those types of things.

Jonathan: Good. Good.

David: Yeah, cause it’s not always just, like sports, or good stuff. I mean, maintaining the culture of the high school, like Rob’s saying, sometimes unfortunately, and very sadly, it also means being aware of the fact that there was that car crash that killed a kid. Or whatever it was. In the couple of high schools that we are ministering at in Tampa, in the school year from 2006-2007, six kids lost their lives at area high schools. That’s a big number, even for our metropolitan area.

Jonathan: Sure.

David: And so, just be aware of that. And this podcast is all about being on campus, but let me just say another tag in, if I may. That even would impact the ministry that you might offer at your church.

Rob: Absolutely.

David: Say, ?Hey, we were going to talk about the third installment on prayer. But tonight, we’re gonna pause and come back next Wednesday night and pick up that, because tonight we want to talk about that car crash or the suicide…‘ or whatever it may be. It’s not always just the good stuff. Unfortunately, it’s also sometimes the bad.

Rob: And David… being a presence on campus, we had a suicide last year, as an example. And for the faculty to come to you and say, ?You’re a consistent source. We know that you’re faith-based. We respect the fact that you come regularly. We’re bringing in trained counselors to deal with the suicide for grief counseling. Would you consider being one of those grief counselors?’

David: Yeah, wow.

Rob: And so, to make yourself a resource to the school, and being aware of what’s going on, whether it’s a car crash, a suicide, or a drug incident, whatever it may be.

David: Good or bad.

Rob: Yes, good or bad. Absolutely.

Jonathan: Good… Absolutely. What’s the next… (pause) you just said ?absolutely’ and I said it. David, will you say it?

David: Absolutely.

Jonathan: Good. Thank you. I just wanted to make sure we all three of us did. Uh, what’s the next sin Rob?

Episode Highlights:

  • Hear the inside scoop about high school dances in the Youth Culture Window section.
  • Rob tells about the time he met the female version of Satan!
  • David and Rob give practical ways for youth workers to prepare themselves for on-campus ministry.
  • Rob offers great tips for monitoring the culture of our schools.
  • All three guys take a turn saying the same word, for no reason at all.
  • Rob gives youth workers advice on how to talk with kids while on the school campus.
  • Hear why Rob doesn’t think David is a “football stud” and why Jonathan’s kids think he’s a “fat wannabe.”
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Jonathan’s Resource Ezine from The Source

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Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on TheSource4YM.com. Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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