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Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Wednesday, August 1, 2001
In This Issue |
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August 1, 2001
We’re glad to provide you with effective resources, programs, games, events, discussions, and ideas! Whether you are a volunteer, a youth leader, a youth pastor, or DOUG FIELDS, we can use these practical tools to help our ministries.
H A V E? Y O U? M I S S E D? P A S T? N E W S L E T T E R S ?
You know that Jonathan’s Resources exists to provide resources to youth workers!?As I always say, “let’s not waste time … everyone needs good resources- here’s one.”
— WEEK 3 —
The Final 4 of Jonathan’s 10 Best
As I told you the last two weeks, I am consistently asked, “Jonathan, what is the best game you got?”? (You notice that proper grammar is not a priority with us youth workers!)? So here’s week 3 of the best I’ve got!? (In actuality, these games are already on my list- but some people want the guided tour!)
Game #7? FOOT TO EAR
This is kind of like musical chairs … but much, much better. It works best with an even # of guys and girls (you can make other divisions work- but we’ll just talk about guy/girl now). Have the girls stand in a circle. Now have the guys stand outside of the circle of girls, each guy next to one girl, his partner for the game. Have the inner circle (girls) walk clockwise when the music begins and the outer circle (guys) walk counter-clockwise. When the music stops the leader will yell out two body parts (e.g. “foot to ear”). The girl’s part is always first (ladies first) and the guy’s is second. When the music stops and the leader yells the body parts the partners need to run straight to each other and put those designated body parts together (e.g. the girl would run to the guy and put her foot on his ear). Great game … just think before you yell body parts (e.g. don’t yell “chest to head”)
When you get down to the last two “couples,” it’s nice to see how dedicated they are.? You can yell something like “lip to lip!”
This game saved me a few times because I was always looking for games that would work for over 100 students.? This game is a good one for a big group (at least 20, but up to hundreds). Quickly divide into 2 or more teams and announce that each team will be racing to squeeze into the shape of the item mentioned. For example: if the leaders yells out the word “football” the teams must squeeze into the shape of a football as would be seen from above. Keep score- first team to 10 wins.
Good Squeeze Shapes (Squeeze into the shape of …) California A dog A pair of sunglasses A baseball bat A shark A map of the U.S.A. Jonathan (your youth group leader)
I highlighted this game last December in my article about keeping large crowd’s attention:
Archives: Keeping a Crowd’s Attention: 12/12/2000
I normally wouldn’t get so hyped up about a balloon game- but it leads into the next one so nicely.
Big Balloon Bop:
This is a simple game. Go to your local art supply or party supply store and buy the biggest balloons they carry. (16″ are cool, 3′ are better). Divide the crowd in two. Have numerous staff throw the balloons in the crowd and have the crowd try to hit the balloons to the other side of the crowd.
When done, tell the kids to pop the balloons.? Have small pieces of paper with #’s on it in five of the balloons. Bring the students with the #’s up front to use for the next game!
Here’s how I did the next one!
Game #10- LET’S MAKE A DEAL: We drew 5 names from the audience and brought them on stage, each one to win a prize. My assistant walked on stage with a big box labeled “BOX 1.” I told the young man on stage that he could have the box or … $10. He wanted the box. I dug in my pocket and offered him another $10, a total of $20. This went on until he finally took $40 cash. We revealed box #1 contained a $5 container of liquorice.? Contestant #2 learned that previously the money was the better option. However, when I offered him box #2 he wanted it. I offered him $40, then $60. Some of the crowd is yelling “take the money!” The other half of the crowd is yelling “The Box! The Box!” He still demanded the box. Finally I offered him $80 cash … he took it. We opened box 2 to find a TV/VCR combo worth almost $200. The crowd went crazy!? Contestant #3 was convinced that the box was pretty good! We went through the same thing and after he still demanded the box after offering him $40 cash, I told him he could have the box! We opened the box … and he won a TROUT!!! Yes, a cold dead fish! The crowd went crazy! You should have seen the poor kid’s face.? Prize 4 was a singing stuffed reindeer and prize 5 was a certificate to our next event.
Fun stuff- I’ve never done it without rehearsing the order with my assistant. The key is smooth transitions and knowing what’s in the boxes!
Jonathan’s huge game page!
Check it out:

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All rights reserved.
Jonathan McKee
Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.