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![]() | Jonathan’s Resource Ezine |
Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
In This Issue |
- Featured: The Source iPhone Contest- Where your “two cents” could be worth a new iPhone
- Youth Culture Window: Promise Rings or Promiscuity- The New TV Show for Teens Has Both
- Movie Reviews: Jonathan and Todd Banter About The Dark Knight
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Featured: The Source iPhone Contest- Where your “two cents” could be worth a new iPhone |
It’s been fun letting you, our THE SOURCE EZINE subscribers, already get early “dibbs” on Jonathan’s new book, 10-Minute Talks. We’ve had the book available on our web site for 10 days now even though you can’t even get it in stores yet. Now we want your feedback! This contest is a little way to reward all of you for your comments!
What others are already saying about this incredible new book:
“Jonathan truly understands youth and how to minister to them. He also knows how to communicate Scripture to youth in high-impact ways. 10-Minute Talks is filled with messages that do exactly that.”
-Dan Kimball, author, They Like Jesus but Not the Church: Insights from Emerging Generations
“Working with junior highers, I’ve learned the importance of short, high-impact lessons. Thanks, Jonathan, for providing us with an easy-to-use resource that makes the tough job of writing talks a whole lot easier!”
-Kurt Johnston, Saddleback Church; author, My Faith, My Family, My Friends, and My School (from the Youth Specialties Middle School Survival Series)
“Few things have greater power than a story. Jonathan McKee has gathered some unforgettable stories that can provide a foundation for presenting life-changing truth. If you only have 10 minutes, this may be what you need to make every one of them count.”
-Ken Davis, author, How to Speak to Youth…and Keep Them Awake at the Same Time
“Spurgeon said that the first golden rule in holding an audience’s attention is to say something worth hearing. Relevance. That’s what keeps people riveted on the Word of God. Jonathan McKee shows us how to demonstrate the Bible’s relevance for youth. These talks grew in the soil of Jonathan’s experience (young people have real needs) and were forged in the fire of his convictions (the Bible has real answers).”
-Jeffrey Arthurs, professor of preaching and communication, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
“Good, tight talks to teenagers are a challenge, if not an art form. Jonathan’s book not only supplies practical outlines and stories that make this task much easier, it teaches a way of thinking about talks that you’ll carry with you into a fruitful ministry anywhere. While there’s no such thing as a ?just add water’ resource, if you learn to ?just add context,’ this book will jump on and off your shelf like your favorite cereal!”
-Dr. Dave Rahn, vice president and chief ministry officer, Youth for Christ/USA
“If you can talk to kids, you can talk to anybody! I’ve always believed that youth pastors make the best preachers, and Jonathan’s book proves the point. His method and messages will help every communicator connect quickly, communicate clearly, and close effectively.”
-F. Bryan Wilkerson, senior pastor, Grace Chapel, Lexington, Massachusetts
Youth Culture Window: |
Amy’s 15 and pregnant. Her partner Ricky was molested as a child. Jack’s a Christian who’s cheating on Grace (another Jesus lover) with the school slut, Adrian. Ben’s the rich, oblivious virgin who wants in on the action. Say hello to the cast from one of TV’s most popular new shows.
On Tuesday nights at 8:00pm, record-setting numbers of viewers are tuning in to ABC Family’s new show The Secret Life of the American Teenager. The drama centers on the sex lives of 6 kids at Ulysses S. Grant High School. Some of them are already facing the consequences of sex, and others are “Christians” who are dead set against sex (at least verbally, anyway). The others search their hearts trying to find a way through the confusion, excitement, and pain that is typified by teen sex.
A New Kind Of Show From A New Kind Of Family
ABC Family bills themselves as “a new kind of family” and their new show is a hit with teens. 2.8 million viewers tuned in for the show’s premier on July 1, the most for any opener on that network! (within the first 14 days the first two shows have been viewed online more than 800,000 times!)
Why wouldn’t teens watch? It’s about them… and sex!
But the show also has a strong element of faith woven into its plot. Creator Brenda Hampton, of 7th Heaven fame, is the brainchild behind yet another TV drama all about the struggle between life and faith. But this time it centers exclusively on teenagers.
The Lure
So, what makes this show so popular with teens? It’s not the acting; marginal at best. It’s also not the writing; somewhat superficial. No big names either; just John Schneider (The Dukes of Hazzard & Smallville) and Molly Ringwald (The Breakfast Club, 16 Candles… you know… the “Brat Pack”).
What makes the show popular? Could it be that it’s all about teens…teens consumed with having sex?
Listen to a conversation from the hallways of Ulysses S. Grant High School. Here, Amy provides more information concerning the bomb she just dropped on her friends about her choice to have sex at band camp over the summer.
FRIEND 1: OK, by ?nothing’ you mean, what?
AMY: It was not that great.
FRIEND 2: And by ?not that great’ you mean…
AMY: I’m not even sure it was sex, OK guys?
FRIEND 1: Why not?
AMY: I don’t know. I didn’t exactly realize what was happening until like after 2 seconds and then it was just over. And it wasn’t fun and DEFINITELY not like what you see in the movies, you know, all romantic and stuff.
Ok. It’s obviously very “real.” It’s good to see that the writers aren’t romanticizing first-time teen sex that often leaves the participants standing around with a “what just happened?” expression on their faces. But, every TV show has an agenda that stems from its focus. It’s too early to determine what that agenda will be, but as sad as it sounds, I hope the focus continues to be teen sex, and not something worse.
Worse! What’s worse than casual teen sex?
Movie Review: Jonathan and Todd Banter About The Dark Knight |
Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and some menace.
Directed by Christopher Nolan (Batman Begins, The Prestige and Memento)
Starring Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Aaron Eckhart, and Maggie Gyllenhaal
Jonathan’s Rating: Worth Buying
Rating: Worth Buying
Todd’s Word: FANTASTIC!!!
Jonathan’s Word: Wow… Nicholson’s Joker just got trumped!
Todd’s Word: The Dark Knight is the follow-up to blockbuster Batman Begins.
Jonathan’s Word: … which… until July 18, 2008… was the best Batman film so far.
Todd’s Word: I agree.
This time with the help of Lieutenant Jim Gordon and District Attorney Harvey Dent, Batman sets out to completely rid organized crime in Gotham for good. Although the three men are very different, they share a common vision for Gotham – crime free. And while they prove it is an attainable goal, they soon find themselves the targets of the Joker, a violently insane, criminal mastermind who is happy to thrust Gotham into anarchy “just to see it burn.” The Joker and the Dark Knight face off in an epic battle of good verses evil.
Jonathan’s Word: And Todd, as much as this film offered, the highlight was Ledger’s Joker. And please don’t in anyway misinterpret my words as to belittle the other talent in this film. Bale, Freeman and Caine were still excellent. But Ledger… Wow. That Oscar buzz really isn’t a bunch of hype. Ledger wasn’t just entertaining… he was amazing.
Todd’s Word: I could not agree more. As a fan of Batman, I was so blown away by Ledger’s performance as the Joker. Without question the Joker is one of the most horrifying, violent, insane serial killers ever created. But over the years and because of campy performances from Cesar Romero and Jack Nicholson, that character has been lost. Nolan and Ledger bring it back stronger than ever and give us the greatest Joker of all time.
Jonathan’s Word: That’s a good word Todd. Because Ledger’s Joker was scary. Yes, he was funny. Yes, he was entertaining. But ask any 10 year old, Ledger’s insanity was downright frightening.
Todd’s Word: He really was funny, at some very wrong moments and then I felt guilty laughing.
Jonathan’s Word: Todd, you bring up an interesting side note: I don’t think this film is for young kids at all. I was surprised at the amount of young kids in the theatre I attended. The kid next to me kept burying his face in his mother’s lap.
I confess, I brought my youngest girl (a middle schooler). She was a little frightened at times. I almost questioned my logic bringing her. I can’t believe that people brought 5 and 7 year olds. I would really encourage parents to watch this first before showing it to their kids.
Todd’s Word: I agree. It wasn’t a kids’ film.
Let’s talk about the rest of the cast for a minute. The Dark Knight features more than its share of impressive performances from some of Hollywood’s biggest names. There is Morgan Freeman (who really is great in everything) as Lucius Fox, the weapons specialist who is concerned with Bruce Wayne’s growing need for power and Michael Caine as Alfred, who continues to be Bruce’s stability and unwavering support system. Gary Oldman once again plays Commissioner Gordon perfectly and Aaron Eckhart is flat out awesome as Harvey Dent. Newcomer to the film, Maggie Gyllenhaal as Rachel Dawes, didn’t make me miss Katie Holmes at all.
Jonathan’s Word: Whoa… I can’t agree with you there. Sorry… I preferred Katie Holmes BIG TIME…
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Jonathan McKee
Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.