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eZine 07.11.2001

Jonathan’s Resource Ezine

Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Wednesday, July 11, 2001

In This Issue

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Short on time? Here?s a Ready-made Agenda for This Week! Truth- To Tell, or Not to Tell

I know that some of you are just swamped!? One thing led to another . . . AND YOU DON?T HAVE TIME TO PREPARE FOR YOUTH GROUP THIS WEEK!
Well, have no fear, that?s my job- to make your?s easier!
Here?s a program you can use with about 5 minutes of prep time! (I recommend prayer in addition to that 5 minutes!)
Truth, To Tell or Not to Tell
Main Point:??? It?s wonderful to be believed by people!
  1. ?Shoebox with roll of ToiletPaper?in it
  2. ?Two Napkins
Kids Arrive/Mingle Time:
  • make them feel welcome
  • learn names and interests
  • Give every new person a registration form
  • hang out!
Bring it together:????????????????????????????????????????????
?Hey, glad to see you all here.? Welcome to ???????? (youth group/outreach name)
Before we get started, I?ve got a quick challenge for the first two people up here!
Gag a Napkin:? Each person opens up a paper napkin and places a corner of it on his or her tongue. Then have a race to see who gets the complete napkin in their mouth first.
Sticks and Tires (Toothpicks and life savers): This is a simple game with any number of evenly divided teams, or, with a small group just put the whole group in a circle! Everyone gets a toothpick and places it in their mouth. Get the teams in some sort of single file line, row or circle. Start the front or beginning person with a Lifesaver candy on their toothpick. They must pass the life saver from their toothpick to their neighbors toothpick without any hands. First team to pass it all the way down or around is the winner.
The Lying Salesmen:
Choose a student that is really creative, quick, or has a good up-front presence.? Have a staff member take them out of the room and explain to them that they are going to try to persuade the audience to buy an item in a shoe-box.? The hard part is . . . the ?salesman? doesn?t know what?s in the shoe-box, and he or she just has to improvise, telling the audience all the benefits and reasons they should own one of these items.
While the staff member is explaining this to the salesman outside the room, show the audience what?s in the box- A ROLL OF TOILET PAPER- and tell them to pay attention to the person?s sales pitch.
The results are very funny.? Salesmen often talk about how often you can use it, with friends and family, etc.? For an added laugh- open it up for questions.? Ask ?How many times can you use it??? ?Where can you use it?? etc.

To Tell the Truth:

Like the old 70’s TV game show. Pre-arrange four contestants for this game. Have them share a funny/interesting story that happened to them when they were young that they can say in one sentence. (e.g. My name is Billy and when I was 5, I was walking with my mom and a big guy ran by and grabbed my mom’s purse!) If that is the story that sounds the best have all 4 contestants use their real name and say the same story. (e.g. My name is Teresa and when I was 5, I was walking with my mom and a big guy ran by and grabbed my mom’s purse!) All contestants will tell the audience the exact same thing as if it is their story- but only one of them is telling the truth. Open up the audience to question individual contestants (like an Oprah show) and three of the contestants will have to lie through their teeth. Then have the audience vote who this really happened to. Then have the real person step forward. Great fun!
Small Groups:

Small Group Intro:? Play 2 truths and a lie-
Everyone tells two true facts about themselves and one lie.? Everyone else take a vote on which is the lie
Small Group Questions:

1.? Name a lie you told once; was there consequences?
2.? If there aren?t consequences, do you lie?
3.? Do you like it when friends lie to you??? What can you do about it?
4.? Do you think you should lie? (What?? You can, but your friends can?t?)
?5.? If you knew you could correct a personal integrity problem . . . would you?

Wrap Up:
There are many different wrap ups you can do- I prefer to do a personal story where I lied, cheated, or was dishonest, and it came back to bite me.

Passages to examine or expand on:

John 13:37-38 (Don’t make rash promises.)
Genesis 29:28-30-Keeping your end of a bargain
Joshua 7:7-12-Be honest in your prayers
Psalm 24:1-6-Only honest people may stand before the Lord
Romans 12:3-Don’t think too highly of yourself
1 Thessalonians 2:5 (Don’t use flattery.)
James 5:12 (Don’t exaggerate.)

Jonathan R. McKee


Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on TheSource4YM.com. Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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