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![]() | Jonathan’s Resource Ezine |
Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Tuesday, June 7, 2005
In This Issue |
- Featured Article: What to Do with Incoming Graduates … So They Don’t Request to be Sent Back!
- Something You Can Use: More Than a Survivor Weekend
- Jonathan Training in the Greater Phoenix Area: Pre-register for Jonathan’s “Reaching the Unchurched” all-day training workshop for only $10
If you aren’t a subscriber of this EZINE and would like to subscribe – it’s free – just pop on and sign up in the upper right hand corner. |
Featured Article: What to Do with Incoming Graduates … So They Don’t Request to be Sent Back! |
June 7, 2005
First impressions are huge … right?
Well many of us have the opportunity to make our first impressions soon when our new students “move up” from the grade below. You know-when the grade school kids finally move into the junior high class or when the 8th graders move up to high school.
Do you do anything special?
Think of it like this. When’s the last time you had 25 visitors all in the same week? Many of these kids are just like visitors:
- They are nervous
- They feel like they don’t know a lot of the people
- They are evaluating if they even want to come back
Which will it be?
Making the Transition Pleasant
I’ve seen numerous ideas when it comes to welcoming new “graduated” students into the youth group. Creative ceremonies, fun “get to know ya” games, gift packages, etc.
Regardless of what you do, try to accomplish two goals:
- Make them feel loved
- Provide a program that they want to come back to
The most important goal would be to make them feel loved. I’ve seen groups plan what they thought would be “fun” programs where they “roasted” or embarrassed new 7th graders. Their intentions weren’t bad … they just didn’t think. A 7th grader is one of the most insecure beings on the planet. It took all of their strength to just walk through the door into our program. And their worst nightmare would be for everyone to laugh at them.
So use this day as an opportunity to make them feel welcomed, appreciated and even respected. Here are some ideas to achieve that goal:
- Give each new incoming “graduate” a gift package with some cool candy or prizes as well as flyers to upcoming events, a summer calendar, etc.
- Assign an upper classman to each incoming “graduate” that attends that day. Meet with your upper classmen prior to youth group and excite them about the opportunity to make this new student feel welcome. Give a few minutes for the upper classman to get to know their kid a little bit. Then have every upper classman stand up one at a time and introduce the new person.
- Every adult staff person should try to greet EVERY incoming “graduate” before or after this youth group. I know that sounds difficult … but imagine the results. Each incoming “graduate” will receive a welcome from an upper classman AND several adults. Can’t beat that with a nightstick!
Not only do we want to make them feel loved, we also want to provide a program that they want to come back to. This week isn’t the week to try out a new volunteer who wants a shot at speaking. This isn’t the week that you forget to plan your message and cram five minutes before. Of all weeks, bring you’re “A-game” this week.
Do your best to plan an exciting program with fun activities, exhilarating worship, and a dynamic, relevant message. Here’s some ideas to achieve that goal:
- Use a funny MC who really can keep your program flowing from one element to the next.
- Give away some fun prizes … use any excuse: birthdays, longest hair, tallest kid (don’t do shortest- remember, we don’t want to risk embarrassing them), anyone who brought their Bible, etc.
- Play an exciting mixer. I say “mixer” because everyone’s involved and they help people mingle. (CLICK HERE for our MIXER page)
- Announce all the upcoming activities, maybe using creative video or skits. Make sure every kid gets a calendar.
- Give kids an opportunity to sign up for “e-updates” … email updates of all your upcoming activities and programs.
- Encourage them to bring their friends back!
- If you do worship songs, don’t go too long. This might be the first time for some of these kids.
- Bring in a special speaker or work extra hard on a dynamic talk for this particular week.
Let’s face it. There are far more students in our community sleeping in on Sunday morning than in church. On “graduation” week … we have a window of opportunity to try to keep the kids we got, and excite them about bringing their friends. We have the chance to make an eternal difference in the lives of students. Make it count!

Something You Can Use: More Than a Survivor Weekend |
Looking for a creative trip but you just haven’t had time to plan?
More Than A Survivor Weekend
This idea is intended for a weekend retreat that starts in the late afternoon or early evening. Supplies should be dispersed at various points on your camp grounds.
Scavenger Hunt: Gather Supplies
Teams have 5 minutes to elect a tribal leader and tie members of their tribe together at the waist.
Challenge: All items needed for challenges are located at various points in the (name of) camp area. Tribes are required to stay together and will be tied together at the waist. You will need to find each item listed below. The first tribe to gather ALL items and return to the (name of main meeting area/lodge) wins this challenge. Winners get to pick tribal bandanna and tribe name first.
Ziplock bag of leather gloves Ziplock bag with 2 garbage bags Water bucket Tent Ziplock bag w/challenge instructions Ziplock bag with 2 dice Ziplock bag with material for flag Ziplock bag with net Popcorn container Bag of Popcorn Ziplock bag with Paper Plate Saran Wrap Measuring cup Spoon Duct tape | Ziplock bag with 3 matches Ziplock bag of rope Coffee Can with holes for fires Propane Stove Ziplock bag with length of leather Ziplock bag with 20 lengths of yarn Zipclok bag with compass Ziplock bag with 12 balls Ziplock bag with 2 plastic cups Dunk Bag Tribal Torch (candle holder w/ candle) Cooking pot Plastic 5 gallon bucket 2 bowls Cutting board |
Pup Tent Relay Race
Teams have 10 minutes to elect a tribal leader, plan a strategy and review tent set up. They may take their tent out and practice set up with their tribe.
Challenge: Place your tent at the tent set up area, about 50 feet from tribes. Tribes line up in a straight row. Members in each tribe are partnered in twos.
At the leaders whistle signal, the first group of 2 from each tribe runs to the bag, takes out and sets up the tent. They go inside the tent, zip it closed. They unzip the flap, climb out of the tent, and take down the tent. Roll up the tent.
Run to the line and tag the next group of two from their tribe. When tagged the next 2 run to the tent and do the same as above.
The first team to complete, sits down in a straight row, grabs hands and yells as loud as they can. Note that some may have to run twice to make sure that the teams are equal in number.
Supper (or “dinner,” depending on the region your in. :))
After Supper: Build a Fire
Teams have 10 minutes to plan strategy, gather wood and required safety items, plus elect a tribal leader. Give each team only one match.
Supplies Needed: Gather all items required for SAFE fire building.
Challenge: Build a fire large enough to burn through the string that has been tied to a stake at your fire site. Gather all of your items and take to your tribal table.
At the whistle the troop leaders will inspect all equipment and will approve or disapprove your advance to your fire site. Say, “You have been given 1 match for your fire. If your match blows out you may send 1 person to the leader to get 1 match.”
The first tribe to burn through the string wins.
(scroll down to “More than a Survivor Weekend”)
An Opportunity in Phoenix, AZ: Jonathan is in the Phoenix Area this July. Are You Looking for a Speaker? No Travel Costs! |
Jonathan is going to be in the Phoenix area from July 20-22. (If he doesn’t spontaneously combust!) If you would like Jonathan to come in and train your leaders, do a training workshop, or speak to your group, this is the time. Don’t worry about travel costs (he’s already there) and pay only half the normal honorarium. Email us for details at
Jonathan Training in Phoenix: Pre-register for Jonathan’s “Reaching the Unchurched” all-day training workshop for only $10 |

-Chandler, AZ-
July 23rd, Jonathan is doing a Saturday workshop (9AM to 3PM) for youth workers within driving distance of the Phoenix area. If you’re a youth worker, paid or a volunteer, this is for you!
Here’s the details:
- Saturday July 23rd, 9AM to 3PM
- CrossRoads Nazarene Church 2950 W. Ray Rd. Chandler, AZ 85224
- Two choices:
- $20 after July 20th or at the door on the 23rd (includes lunch)
- ONLY $10 if you pre-register before July 20th (includes lunch)
- CONTACT the CrossRoads Church office at (480) 722-0700
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And for more FREE resources and ideas … go to THE SOURCE
Copyright ?2005 The Source for Youth Ministry
All rights reserved.
Jonathan McKee
Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.