Ezine Archives

eZine 06.06.2000

Jonathan’s Resources E-Newsletter
Y O U T H M I N I S T R Y R E S O U R C E S !
If it’s free . . . IT’S FOR ME!

Thank you for e-mailing Jonathan’s Resources and subscribing to our resource newsletter, giving you up-to-date resources for youth ministry.

Quick Event, No Time for Preparation!
Face it, we all need these!

More Special Events

We’re glad to provide you with effective resources, programs, games, events, discussions, and ideas! Whether you are a volunteer, a youth leader, a youth pastor, or the Pope, you can use these practical tools to help your ministry.

You know that Jonathan’s Resources exists to provide resources to youth workers! As I always say, “let’s not waste time . . . everyone needs good resources- here’s one.”

Quick Event, No Time for Preparation!
Face it, we all need these!

It’s Friday night. The junior highers are going to be there in 45 minutes . . . and you haven’t planned a thing! If you have enough staff to drive, then here’s the event for you!

F I V E B U C K R E C E I P T R U S H:
This event requires little planning and is alway very fun. Sometimes it requires a little of a budget, depending on how many kids are on each team. I usually charge a dollar and end up a little in the red. If you charge two bucks you could break even or even come out ahead. I advertise (If I actually plan ahead) that the winning team gets pizza at our local cheap pizza joint.

Have as many teams as you do vehicles. Each team is given $5 to spend as they wish. The contest however, is to get the most amount of receipts, each from a different store or restaurant. The total dollar amount of these receipts must be less than $5. The team that gets the most receipts and makes it to the meeting spot (the pizza place) by a certain time is the winner.

I also have a rule that every receipt given must be witnessed by a staff member and signed by them. This keeps the team together and helps prevent them from whipping out a receipt they had from the day before.

If I do have extra money I sometimes surprise them and by them all sodas. This appeases the losing teams a little more.

More Special Events

Are you looking for some good youth activities to do besides the same ?ol bowling or miniature golf? Check out this page for some of these ideas for a fun night!
    Bigger and Better Hunt
    Broom Hockey
    Disposable Camera Rally
    Gym Hockey
    Kareoki Night
    Man Hunt
    Memorex Madness
    Monopoly Night
    Penny Contest
    Polaroid Panic
    Staff Hunt
    Video Scavenger Hunt



Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on TheSource4YM.com. Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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