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eZine 05.31.2001

Jonathan’s Resource Ezine

Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Thursday, May 31, 2001

In This Issue

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A RUDE AWAKENING: How I Finally Realized that “Sharing my Faith” starts with MY FAITH!

By Jonathan McKee
May 31, 2001

The Sunday school teacher moved the little paper Apostle Paul across the flannel graph board to talk to the little paper prison guard. In a very low Apostle Paul-like voice the teacher would exclaim, “The reason I didn’t break out of prison is because God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life!” Then turning to us she would always say “And we need to be sure and share our Faith with our friends and neighbors and schoolmates.”

Share our Faith? Share our Faith? Is that one of those phrases that Christians have thrown around for so long in the church that we never actually think about what it means? Is it as common as the words to “A Mighty Fortress” or as familiar as the contour to the seat of the pew.

Growing up the son of a Baptist minister I heard it all the time. I heard it from the missionaries that would come to lunch with us after they spoke in church. I heard it at the little pep rally each year before we would go out and knock on inner city doors and talk to people about a relationship with God. But somehow, I didn’t really understand what the words “share our faith” meant.

For much of my life, I associated “sharing my faith” to giving out tracts. The local Christian bookstore has tons of them between the newest piece of apocalyptic fiction and the fish shaped key chains. I’m sure someone could save many souls with the fake $20 bill half with a tract on the other half exclaiming “Don’t be upset. What you found is worth much more than $20. God loves you . . .”

Later I associated “sharing my faith” to standing up for him in certain situations. Of course, my behavior outside of these situations didn’t seem important. All through high school, when I wasn’t getting suspended or beat up, I was sure to “share my faith” by standing up for Christian beliefs in the classroom. I remember being remarkably bold in my biology class in 10th grade. The theory of evolution was being taught and I was sure to make it clear to the class that I didn’t believe in that because I was a Christian and the Bible taught something else. Of course a month later I got suspended from the class for cheating . . . I still can’t believe the teacher saw my cheat sheet from her desk . . . I think she was tipped off!

Despite the sound teachings I had been taught my whole life, I somehow convinced myself that my actions didn’t matter. I sold out to the thinking that much of today’s generation thinks- I had a religion or set of beliefs, but I didn’t totally connect them to my day to day actions and attitude.

“Wherever we go share the Gospel . . . and if absolutely necessary . . . use words!” Maybe I could have learned a little from that phrase during my high school years. Our actions do speak much louder than words. Yet, as much as I like that age old phrase, it paves an easy escape route for many of us. “My actions share the Gospel . . . so I DON’T NEED TO! I’ll just leave that to the pastors, evangelists and missionaries.”

So what does “sharing our Faith” mean. It’s more than just a Gospel presentation. It’s more than a day feeding the poor. It’s more than any tract, any action, or any spoken word. It’s a spreading fire that catches from one person to another. It starts with our own changed life. Once we realize the incredible treasure we have, we can’t help but to share it with others.

In the early 90’s I decided to go into full time ministry. My heart was always broken for kids and I could see that they needed fulfillment in their lives. If anyone would have asked me what they needed- what the missing piece was in their lives, I would have told them, without hesitation “God.” Unfortunately, I think I was missing the fact that there was something missing in my life as well. If you asked me what filled me up, gave me hope and purpose, I would have quickly told you “God.” I had the right answer, just like the rich young ruler gave the right answer to Jesus immediately. But I wonder what would have happened if Jesus would have been there in front of me asking me for everything: my thoughts, my desires, my passions, my time, my relationships . . . the whole banana! I just wonder if I would have walked away sad. But something weird happened.

In 1993, Youth for Christ in Sacramento had a big jr. high event and I was there to help facilitate the program- that was my gift- I was good at it. Tons of kids came forward at an altar call to give their lives to Christ. There were more kids than expected and my boss turned to me, handed me a book and said, “Jonathan, we need you to be a counselor.” I quickly replied “sure, no problem,” assuming my role as the youth expert I thought I was. I walked over to the group of kids and two kids were introduced to me. Both of them followed me over to a corner of the room where we sat in three chairs in a small circle. I asked them why they came forward. They both said something to the fact of wanting to give their life to Jesus. Something happened. I realized something. I had nothing to tell them.

I had received Billy Graham’s training back in 1984. I had memorized Steps to Peace with God, The Four Spiritual Laws in English and in Spanish. I had taken Christian Doctrine, New Testament and Old Testament in my esteemed Christian college. The small track in my hand had words I had said thousands of times . . . but I had nothing to say to these two small boys. I had told myself, “I don’t need this tract! I’ll just tell them in my own words . . .” I stared at them in silence for a few minutes and realized that there was nothing really burning inside of me that I was really excited about. I had strutted up to those boys alone, by myself, not wanting anyone else there because I knew what I was doing, so I thought. As I sat there and stared into their eyes . . . I was alone. I had a bunch of knowledge, tons of ability, resources, skills, and training . . . all living in a smelly corpse of a body that was simply going through the motions, saying what I was supposed to say and doing what I was supposed to do, convinced that I could do it on my own. I’m sure Satan had a party that night when he saw how I botched up the most simple of Gospel presentations. I still think about those two little boys today and wonder.

The following Monday I went into the office of my supervisor with my tail between my legs. No one knew what had happened . . . but I did. I realized the most important thing that I ever could have realized. I CAN’T DO IT ON MY OWN! Not just leading people to Christ, I’m talking about LIFE! I CAN’T DO IT ON MY OWN! I realized that I needed help. Once I realized that, I became a sponge. I wanted to know everything about living my life for Christ and reaching others. I went to every training session available. I started taking copious notes in church, at outreaches and even during meetings with people who God was working in.

Something amazing started happening. My personal relationship with God started growing. The more I realized what a scumbag I was- the more I realized how much I needed him. It also convinced me how much God must really love me- because I was hard to love! Ask my wife! God is an amazing God. I have turned my back on him so many times. I’m not talking about burning upside down crucifixes and biting off chicken heads I’m just talking about the normal daily stuff. God says “trust me . . . I know what’s best for you.” And sometimes we just say, “You know God, in most situations that would be cool, but right now . . . I KNOW WHAT I’M DOING SO IF YOU WOULD JUST BACK OFF and let me lose my temper here, then everything will be in control!” Then of course we realize 5 minutes later what a fool we were. Here’s the amazing thing. If I were God, I would be standing there with my arms crossed, tapping my foot, saying, “I told you so!” But he’s not like that. He’s there with his arms open wide and he’s loving us just the same. This realization has helped me because the phrase “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life” or “God loves you and wants a personal relationship with you” or “God loves you and wants to be your friend” all have meaning now. They aren’t just the first line in a Gospel tract, they are a reality- a reality that is there every day when I mess up, loving me no matter what, filling me when I’m feeling empty and comforting me when I’m feeling alone.

My life is just one big Gospel presentation made real. Every day I see how much God loves me and craves a relationship with me. Every day I see how much I don’t deserve his love and his grace because of my failure and lack of trust. Every day I cling to Jesus and that ultimate sacrifice he made so that I can have a relationship with him. Every day I trust in him by putting aside my own ways, but trusting the ways He has for me. This trust began my lifelong relationship with him.

I’m not perfect, I’m still under construction. If we walk around like our lives are all perfect now that we have Jesus, we’re not only LIARS, but our false front is going to make others think we’re “full of it!” Our imperfect, under construction, growing, changing lives are living testimonies of God’s grace, power, and our need for him!

Sharing our Faith starts with OUR FAITH. If our faith is weak, then we will have nothing to share. If our Faith is strong and growing, then we will begin to see through different eyes. We won’t be as worried about or influenced by temporary things. Our thoughts and actions will have an eternal focus that gives us the strength to press on in daily life. These eyes also see the people around us searching for “something” to fill their emptiness and trying to fill it with temporary things that cause pain and suffering. We have the answer . . . and the world needs it desperately.

This article is now part of his new book on reaching out to the unchurched, DO THEY RUN WHEN THEY SEE YOU COMING? (Zondervan)


If you have any responses to the newsletter or youth ministry ideas you want to share, please email me at jon@thesource4ym.com

God Bless,



Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on TheSource4YM.com. Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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