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Tuesday, May 27, 2003
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JACI INTERVIEW RESPONSES. What people are saying in response to our interview with Jaci regarding her decision to step into Hollywood. |
May 27, 2003
Last issue we interviewed Jaci Velasquez about her decision to step into Hollywood and the controversy that has followed. You can check out this interview on this page:
It’s always fun to hear people’s reactions to our publication. Here are some of the responses to our interview with Jaci.
Regarding your article on Jaci Velasquez. (I own three of Jaci’s albums.) By naming those that are “trashing” Jaci and criticizing them you are stooping to their level. The article should not have addressed the attacks on her but merely talked about the positive aspects that Jaci sees in her ministry. Who are we to judge Jaci or those that don’t approve of her actions? -Roland-
Jonathan, Great article! Thanks for finding out from Jaci where things are really at. I appreciated the perspective. While I may disagree with her choice to be in lingere on film, I understand her motivation to be a Christian in a secular industry. -Jon-
Jonathan- Thanks for the interview with Jaci Valasquez. I appreciate the fact that you held her feet to the fire and asked some tough questions. But you also were careful not to unfairly condemn her. Well done. It’s unfortunate that even Christian news sources only give us a small portion of the details about a story like this. You helped to shed some serious light on the topic. I’m not sure what to make of the whole thing. I am concerned about the teenage boy who sees her as a worship leader, then goes to this movie and now can’t think of her except as a the girl who wore lingerie in the movie. Once again I’m reminded about the importance of leading students to follow Jesus Christ, not a personality, not a pastor, not an artist, not a parent. No doubt those can all be great examples, but they all make mistakes too. -David-
Jaci V. blew it. Now she’s making you look stupid. You reap………………….. -30+ years in the music business-
I want to thank you for the way you did the interview with Jaci and helping to get her words out there for people. I work at Christianity Today International with our Music Channel and I’ve talked with Jaci before. People need to hear her words about it all, but most haven’t. Then I read your interview. The timing was perfect, and I want to thank you again for your effort in getting Jaci’s words out for people to hear and learn more about what they thought they knew to be truth. Great wrap-up as well. -Michael-
I just wanted to say thank you, for doing that interview with Jaci. I do have a hard time with her starring in a movie such as the one she is in, where she is seen in lingerie. I think you did a great job of bringing the questions we have to light.
It was a great model for dealing with people. We so often come with the bashing and no love. I just wanted to say thanks. I will be sharing parts of this story with my teenagers tonight. Thanks! -Kyle-
After reading your interview, I was tremendously disappointed. It was all about Jaci–what she feels…what she thinks. God’s Word is the standard –not having some kind of peace. People have used that argument as a rationalization to condone all kinds of non-biblical behavior. Also the idea that, “It was a role; not really me” is ridiculous. With that argument you could accept any role no matter how immoral the character might be. To sing songs about loving and honoring God and then allow herself to be used in this way is contradictory, and its now wonder that parents are concerned for their children.
I am concerned for our teen group. It’s tough to take a stand for Jesus Christ, but taking that stand means saying yes to godliness and no to the world. We are in the world but we are not of the world By becoming like the world we will never win the world for Christ.
I will no longer be able to enjoy the singing of Jaci Valasquez unless something happens that gives me confidence that she loves the Lord and wants to serve Him biblically. I have no problem with Christians involved in the secular marketplace as long as they maintain a biblical and godly standard. In this instance, Jaci has let God down terribly. I will say this: I have, too! But I confess it freely. I have made terrible mistakes–committed ghastly sins. But I have agreed with God about them, confessed them, repented of them and turned to God. My heart hurts for Jaci, and I hope that she will be fully sensitive to God’s leading in her life. It is clear to me that posing for a picture wearing lingerie is not part of God’s will for Jaci. She may have peace about it, but that is not the defining consideration. The Bible is. -Michael-
This is awesome Jonathan – thank you for taking the time to set the record straight! I appreciate that. -Pastor Brian-
Jonathan- After reading your interview I would have to say that I think Jaci’s choice and reasoning was not the wisest it could be. When Paul said, “I became all things to all men, that I might by all means save some” (1 Cor. 9:22), I don’t believe that means he compromised what was clearly God’s revealed will in order to preach the gospel. I don’t believe he started cussing like a sailor and telling dirty jokes so he could fit in with sailors and perverts. I don’t believe he smoked a doobie so he could hang out with the stoners. I think it means that he did whatever he could to show love and compassion to whomever he came in contact with, without violating the principles of God’s word. Is wearing lingerie in a movie a compromise for a Christian? When you look at scripture, we find principles dealing with honesty, purity, lust, discernment, wisdom, modesty, character… I think the only determination one can come to is that, yes it is. Jaci said that, “God [gave] me a peace about it.” What I want to know is, “Is that a peace based on scripture?” because Satan, the father of lies, is very capable of giving us a false peace that can be confused with God’s peace. That’s why it is so important that we go back to the word of God, because if we feel a “peace” about something that violates His principles, than it is not from God. -James-
Jonathon- Thank you so much for taking the time to interview Jaci, and giving this talented & devoted follower of Christ a forum to set the record straight. Your questions were thoughtful and appropriate. I am a Latino youth pastor and have always been really proud of Jaci’s words, convictions, and attire. She is very well respected in the Latino community for her talent and sincere faith in God. I too was somewhat surprised by the lingerie scene. However, I knew what she was characterized by. She has always been above reproach and so I had to give her the benefit of the doubt. Many people are quick to point fingers when people do or say things that go against their personal convictions. I am saddened by the church’s severe case of plankeye! I believe that Christ calls some of us into places that maybe very difficult for many people to understand or agree with. Jesus himself was so desperate to seek and save the lost that he allowed his reputation to be tarnished among the religious elite of his day. Our concern for what others think has caused Christians to avoid areas of darkness (especially the arts & culture) where the light is so desperately needed.
People say that Jesus would have died for “only one.” Well, why can’t Jaci take on slightly controversial role in a movie if it allows her to reach “only one” member of the cast or crew, or help plant the seed in a journalist during an interview? Jesus was a good friend of sinners. Since many of us have decided to stay away from sinners, let’s zip-it and give Jaci the chance! -Will-
Jonathan- I just finished reading your interview with Jaci Velasquez and I thought you did an excellent job with it. She was well represented, both her frustration and current calling. Also, you graciously stretched the thinking of a more “narrow-minded” audience to consider the complexities of her situation. Great Job – keep it up! -Wes-
That was a great interview. Thanks. For some reason, when Christians sign agreements (contracts) with non-Christians, people start questioning their faith. It is just natural. I’m not saying it is right, but it’s the way it is. It’s like walking in to a bar and seeing your pastor serving drinks. He’s not drinking the liquor, and he’s in a great position to talk to people who are down and out, but it just makes you question where he stands because he was employed by the bar. Sitting in the bar and employed by the bar are two different things. People will watch R-rated movies, but to actually make a bedroom scene half naked is out of the question. Hmmm? Everyone has to make decisions based on what they are comfortable with defending and Jaci stated that well. Sometimes I wonder, though, if the fame and fortune cloud our ability to reason. I can’t imagine her wearing lingerie on stage at her own concert, yet she will send it to the masses via film. I doubt if Jesus had to get half naked just to hang out with sinners and publicans, at least that wasn’t mentioned in the King James Version. -Dave-
The key to Jaci’s decision making in choosing to participate in “Chasing Papi” is her argument of moral relativism that she uses in her defense. She states that she has no problem watching films like “Legally Blond” and “Sweet Home Alabama”, the romantic or fun movies that you want to watch with your families, but movies like “Goldmember” and “American Pie” are bad. She measures movies against other movies to develop her standards of good and bad. (i.e. compared to “American Pie”, “Sweet Home Alabama” is good.) This is flawed reasoning that prevails in our culture. The standard we should compare movies to is not other movies; but the one true unchanging standard, God’s Word. A review of “Sweet Home…” at reveals a movie that contains rampant profanity including slang for male genitals and using the Lord’s name in vain more than 20 times. (not mentioning the crude sexual humor). Measured by the standard of God’s Word, this is not a movie I want my family to watch.
The spiritual fruit from her life over the next few years will demonstrate the verity of her statements about this being “led by God”. The big deal is the subtle message of moral relativism that will impact many young people. Most of Jaci’s critics are older, and probably most of her young fans don’t see what the big deal is. -Tom-
I thank God that you take the time to understand what the individual is facing. For too long our churches have been filled with people who judge first and then pray later. I pray that God will have Jaci to be all that He has called her to be. Let’s not run away another child of God from the church. Let’s embrace her, encourage her, and pray together with her that she will walk in the path God has planned for her life. -Dorion-
Awesome interview. I just hope the people who need to read it, slow down enough to read it! You asked some very difficult questions and got some very straight forward answers. Yes, it is much easier to stay within our safe walls of the church. But is Jesus is our example, you did not find Him often within the walls. You found Him often outside. He did not wait for them to come to Him. He went to them. We live for God’s approval, not man’s. I’ll pray for you both! -Dawn-
Thanks for all of your responses.
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Jonathan R. McKee
for Youth Ministry
Jonathan McKee
Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.