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Jonathan’s Resource Ezine |
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
- Youth Culture Window: The 2011 Summer Movie Lineup PART I-The Films Hoping to Draw Teenagers This May and June
- Something You Can Use: Brand New “Tangled” Movie Clip Discussion about Godliness
- Free Training You Can Use: Jonathan Interviewed by “Students and Culture” about Keeping Visitors, Gaining Trust, Connecting, Sharing…”
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2011 is the year for movie sequels; the summer lineup is no exception. This season, teen viewers will get another dose of pirates, pandas, and Potter. The good news is, most of the movies are clean.
But when they aren’t, they REALLY aren’t.
Coming (Again) to a Theater Near You…and Your Teenagers Each year, I write a Youth Culture Window article that focuses on the upcoming movies that are expected to be summer blockbusters and/or hits with teen audiences (or both). Last year’s article necessitated being released in two parts; the same is true of this year’s list. So, if you don’t know the difference between the Green Hornet and Green Lantern, relax; the biggest movies of the summer will be covered right here.
Pardon me, but I need to point out something that should be obvious to you as you peruse this list of films: there are a lot of sequels. I mean, a whole bunch of them! In fact, 2011 actually has a record-setting 27 sequels set to be released, many of which are slated for summer viewing.
Don’t believe it? Just take a look at a couple of movies released on the eve of summer. April’s box office included the release of Fast Five, the fifth installment in that series, and a film that provided a pretty accurate porthole into pop-culture, Scream 4, a follow-up released a full decade after the last film in that franchise.
If you still doubt, let’s go ahead and get to the first half of the list, May to June. For each film highlighted, I’ll include a short description of the plot, a link to the official trailer, and the movie’s rating…
(Disney, 2011)
Main Point of Discussion: We must train ourselves in godliness if we are to become who we dream of being.
The Movie Clip: “I’ve Got a Dream.”
Tangled is a fun, clever Disney computer-animated take on the story of Rapunzel. The movie is about the famous fairytale princess known for her incredibly long hair, who has been held captive in a secret tower her whole life. In this movie, Rapunzel coerces Flynn Rider, a thief, to take her on an adventure in search of her destiny. The movie is very creative and funny, and is entertaining for children as well as adults. The clip we are using for this discussion features Flynn Rider taking Rapunzel to a pub filled with roughian types of thugs and scary characters. Flynn is trying to scare Rapunzel back to the tower. However, in this scene Rapunzel ends up mentioning her dreams to these thugs, and they respond by sharing, via a hilariously written song, that like Rapunzel, they too secretly have dreams.
Introducing the Clip:
Today we’re going to watch a clip from the movie Tangled. Many of you have probably seen this movie. It is a really funny version of the fairytale princess Rapunzel…
Gaining Trust, Connecting, Sharing…
Yesterday I shared with you a snippet or two from an interview I did where I was asked about everything from “taking care of visitors to our youth group” to “spiritual growth in today’s teenagers.”
You can catch my responses to those questions in yesterday’s blog, PART I.
Here’s the remainder of my answers during that interview. PART II:
Michael – OK
-What are some of the best ways to gain the trust of new unchurched students?
Go beyond shaking hands and exchanging names. Actually take an interest in them. Sit with them. Invite them to join us in our small group. “We’re going to coffee afterwards- come with us.” “Text me- I’ll text you this week.”
I could go on, but honestly, my entire book CONNECT is devoted to helping us learn how to do this.
Jason – Dallas
– In your book “Connect” you talk a lot about getting to know kids on a one-on-one basis. Do you believe its possible to become so connected with students that they see you more as a peer and you lose your influence in their lives
I think parents struggle with this as well. “If I spend too much time being their buddy, will I not be seen as their parent?”
I wonder if Christ was accused of that when he descended to earth to become human.
There’s no danger in humbling yourself to be relational- to listen, to laugh, to play. The only danger would be if you lower your standards and try to be something you’re not, or allow yourself to do something inappropriate in effort to “be accepted.” This is a twisting of a good thing. There’s never anything wrong with…
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Jonathan McKee
Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.