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eZine 04.29.2003

Jonathan’s Resource Ezine

Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Tuesday, April 29, 2003

In This Issue

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Looking for something new . . . something different? Try some of these new crazy up front activities and ideas!

Have students get into groups of 5 to 10, or if your group is large enough, just bring several small groups of students up front.

Give each group a shower cap, a large ball of brown or black yarn, some 2 sided tape, and some scissors. Have them select one student who will be the bearer of the mullet. This student will put on a shower cap. Have the group place 2-sided tape all over the cap and then cut either brown or black yarn to be placed on the tape on the cap to look like a mullet.

Then have the mulletheads come up to the stage to be judged. Have the mulletheads say “Business in the front and a party in the back!” into the mic in their best 80’s metal voice.

For effect, while they are constructing the mullet play a couple of mullet songs (KJ-52 mullet song hidden track #9 and Phantom Mullet by Five Iron Frenzy). Party on dude!
Added by Russ Smith

Items needed: cell phone (one of those radio/cell phones with the speaker-phone is the best) and a sound system.

Pick out a teen and bring them up front. Hand them your cell phone (you have to be able to hear the person on the other line) to make a live call to a friend of their choice. They will identify where they are and what’s going on (“I’m part of this contest in my youth group right now . . .”)

Now ask your teen a series of questions about the person they are going to call. They have to guess what the person on the cell will say, such as:

  • Will they answer before the third ring?
  • Have they eaten dinner yet?
  • Do they have shoes on?
  • Or something embarrassing like: Does their mom kiss them good night?

Give a prize to your teen for every right answer they give. They can keep going up the prize ladder for better prizes, but if they miss they lose everything! Go 5 rounds, start with small prizes like candy bars up to cd’s, tickets to a concert, amusement park, money, whatever!
Added by Eric Brown

To understand this game you may need to know the history. The other night, my leadership team and I were setting up for our outreach event. One leader (who had just returned from the Florida Gatornationals Speedway) was vacuuming the floor when an idea hit him. He began to do vacuum cleaner drags. Then he "trained" the vacuum cleaner to come to him. (He did this by walking it across the room and pointing it back to where he plugged it in and "called" it to him.) OK, so he wasn’t working that hard.

Well, anyway, then it struck him to set up targets and try to bowl them over with the vacuum cleaner. And then it was birthed: Vacuum Cleaner Bowling. It’s pretty fun. We run competitions across the floor about 40 feet. Whoever knocks over the most pins in two runs wins a prize.

Most bowling centers will loan you used pins for this, saving you the investment of buying the ten pins necessary. (And you might want to use old vacuum cleaners that are no longer needed.)
Added by David Smith, Florida
The Source Affordable Speaker’s Network Speaker

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For More Crazy Games and Ideas Visit The Source’s Game Page:

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By Jonathan McKee
April 29, 2003

No, not another game, a way to save the lives of the needy

If you’re like me you’re always on the lookout for great service, mission, or giving opportunities. Here’s a challenge that your group might want to look at. It’s called The H2O Challenge.

The H2O Challenge:

  • Make water your only beverage for just 2 weeks.
  • For those 2 weeks, take the money you would usually spend on soda, juice, sports drinks, coffee, milk, etc., and collect it in a special cup.
  • When the 2 weeks is over, contribute the funds directly to the well drilling organization you select.
  • The money will be used to drill clean water wells where the need is great.

It’s that simple. For details how your group can do this, use this link:

If you have any other youth ministry ideas you want to share, please email me at jon@thesource4ym.com

Thanks for being an EZINE subscriber. Enjoy the free resources . . . and you know where to find even more free resources at www.TheSourceForYouthMinistry.com


God Bless,


If you have any other youth ministry ideas you want to share, please email me at jon@thesource4ym.com
Jonathan R. McKee
for Youth Ministry


Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on TheSource4YM.com. Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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