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eZine 04.18.2000

Jonathan’s Resources E-Newsletter
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Jesus in Today’s Movies
Video Clips You Can Use

Jesus Discussion
A Eye-opener About Jesus

We’re glad to provide you with effective resources, programs, games, events, discussions, and ideas! Whether you are a volunteer, a youth leader, a youth pastor, or the Pope, you can use these practical tools to help your ministry.

You know that Jonathan’s Resources exists to provide resources to youth workers! As I always say, “let’s not waste time . . . everyone needs good resources- here’s one.”

Jesus in Today’s Movies
Video Clips You Can Use

In today’s polytheistic society it’s hard to find good movie clips that portray the truth- especially about Jesus. Most movies and commercials portray a very old or a very stupid, uncaring God. Are there any good movie clips out there that tell the Gospel Message or portray Jesus besides Michael W. Smith’s Secret Ambition video and the Jesus film?!!

How about Spielberg’s 1997 film Amistad, losing to Titanic for Best Cinematography and Best Supporting Actor. So many people were watching the sinking ship that they missed this incredible film.

In the story of Amistad, slaves are in and American jail, awaiting a court decision deciding their fate. One of the characters in the movie, Yamba, starts reading a Bible and is curious about Jesus. This moving scene is intercut with a scene of one of the white men in the film going to a church to pray.

Start the movie about one hour and 36 minutes from the Dreamworks logo at the beginning of the film.

Yamba is in jail looking through a Bible, illustrated with drawings of Biblical events.

Other Slave: You don’t have to pretend to be interested in that. Nobody’s watching but me.

Yamba: I’m not pretending. I’m beginning to understand it. (Yamba shows him pictures of Christians being attacked by lions in the Roman Colosseum) Their people have suffered more than ours . . . their lives were full of suffering.

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(A picture of Jesus in a manger) Then he was born and everything changed.

The other slave points to the glow around Jesus head in a picture of Jesus riding through town on a donkey.

Yamba: I don’t know, but everywhere he goes he is followed by the sun. (Yamba turns to more pages) Here he is healing people with his hands . . . protecting them . . . being given children.

Other Slave: What’s this (pointing to picture of Jesus walking on water)

Yamba: He could also walk across the sea. But then something happened. He was captured. Accused of some crime. Here he is with his hands tied.

Other Slave: He must have done something.

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Yamba: (provoked) Why? What did we do? Whatever it was, it was serious enough to kill him for it. Do you want to see how they killed him?

Other Slave: This is just a story Yamba

Yamba: (continuing to show us pages) But look. That’s not the end of it. His people took his body down from this . . . thing . . . (he takes his fingers and draws a cross in the air). They took him into a cave. They wrapped him in a cloth, like we do. They thought he was dead, but he appeared before his people again . . . and spoke to them. Then finally he rose to the sky. This is where the soul goes when you die here. This is where we’re going when they kill us. (he cracks a smile) It doesn’t look so bad.

Video Clip Wrap Up
After showing this clip, ask the question: Was Yamba’s friend right? Is this just a story? Or does Jesus’ life have an effect on us today. (Here’s a great opportunity to present the Gospel, or for a more advanced audience, present the Lord, Liar, Lunatic theory- see Josh McDowell’s “More Than a Carpenter” or Paul Little’s “Know Why You Believe” for reference)

Check out more great video clip ideas on Jonathan’s Movie Clips Page:


Jesus Discussion
A Eye-opener About Jesus

The above video clips are great discussion starters- but they are even better wrap ups to discussions or programs about Jesus. Since this coming Sunday is Easter, what better week to do a discussion about Jesus or the resurrection.

Many of you have e mailed me telling me about the groups of kids you have coming to your weekly programs. Some of you have a very “churched” crowd and some have a very “unchurched” crowd. This discussion was made for an “unchurched” audience, but can be easily tweaked, possibly deepened for church kids.

Divide into small groups for the following discussion.

Finish the sentence
1. When I think of the Bible I think of . . .
2. When I think of God I think of . . .
3. When I think of Jesus I think of . . .

Hand out quiz- give a couple of minutes to fill it out

What do you know about Jesus?
1. Who was Jesus?
2. When did he live?
3. What was he famous for?
4. Was he a real person, and how can we know for sure?
5. Do you think his life has any meaning for us today?

True or False
Jesus Claimed:
1. . . .to be able to forgive sins.
2. . . .to be the son of God.
3. . . .he existed as God before his birth.
4. . . .to be God in human flesh
5. . . .he would come back to life after h e was killed.
6. . . .he could grant eternal life.
7. . . .he is the only way to have a relationship with God.
8. . . .he is the only way to heaven.

Go over answers- around the circle for each question

Which of these claims is hardest to believe?
Which of these is easiest to believe?
Which of these claims surprises you the most?

Wrap Up: Amistad Video Clip, a presentation of the Gospel and an invitation


Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on TheSource4YM.com. Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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