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eZine 04.08.2003

Jonathan’s Resource Ezine

Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Tuesday, April 8, 2003

In This Issue

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ANOTHER FUND RAISER. A Fund Raiser and Service Project in One.

by Jonathan McKee
April 8, 2003

Last week in THE SOURCE’s EZINE https://thesource4ym.com/archives/archivestore/2003/arc20030401.aspx we talked about affording big events through good budgeting, planning and fund raising. Then we gave you an idea of a fund raiser that works! Here’s another idea sent from a youth worker in Clanton, AL.


Thank you for all the great ideas!!!

I love your “more than a fund-raiser” idea. We live in a small town, and don’t have a Salvation Army or homeless shelter nearby. Last year we used your idea, but decided to help the elderly for 8 hours instead, we called it “Project Blessing.” We contacted our Center on Aging and they helped us find people to help. Some people needed yard work done. One lady asked the girls to sit down and visit with her while the guys did yard work. She said the only company she ever got was her case worker at the Center. One lady had us cleaning her home. It looked clean at first, but she had us vacuuming layers of dust from under furniture, we even took her bed apart and dusted the bed slats. She said these were things she had always done for herself but had not been able to for the last 8 years and her family lives far away. We prayed before we left each house. At each house the elderly cried and thanked us. One lady said, “I’m 81 years old and have never had anyone do anything so nice for me.” Our kids had a great time. They said lets do this every month! They didn’t even want money! We all learned so many lessons by being a blessing to these elderly people that have been giving to others all their lives. Some kids even payed for their entire summer camp! Also, many businesses in our community sponsored our group and were impressed that our young people would be doing this.

Next month we are doing our 2nd annual “Project Blessing” to raise money for this year’s camp.

Matthew, Clanton, AL

Thanks for the idea Matt. Sounds like God’s really using your ministry. -Jonathan-

ANOTHER MOVIE CLIP YOU CAN USE. Lifting People When They Stumble

You know that we’re always on the look out for creative ways to introduce a talk or a subject for discussion in our ministry. Here’s a movie clip idea that Jeremy just emailed me from Portland. -Jonathan-

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Hey Jonathan, I use your website often, and enjoy it immensely.

Here’s a movie clip I’m going to use in a couple of weeks. It comes out of hearing a speaker on the radio, and lots of thinking…

I’m going to show the clip in “Forest Gump” where he’s in the fire-fight in Vietnam, and he keeps running back in the jungle to pull out more and more guys, saving many of their lives.

I’m going to talk about Christianity in a somewhat militaristic sense, relating the constant battles we fight with sin and will talk about how sometimes we lose those battles. I’ll relate this to real war and how in the military, if a man gets hit in battle, his buddy will pick him up and get him to safety, allowing the man to recover and reenter the battle. Then I’ll move into talking about how in our Christian battles we often ‘shoot our wounded.’ When people stumble, we aren’t supporting, we are condemning. (I realize that Pauline Scripture talks about turning the immoral man over to Satan, but I feel that often times we need to support when Christians slip.) What we ought to do is help them to safety, and allow them to recover so they can reenter the battle.

Anyhow, hope that sounds cool… use it if you want… I’ll close with some ways to support fellow Christians in times of trouble.

Jeremy, Portland, OR



Jonathan speaks at schools, camps, and youth events all over the U.S. He also trains youth workers and student leaders at national conferences and seminars. The Source just updated the 2003 speaking calendar. Check out Jonathan’s speaker page with his 2003 calendar and who’s recommending him!


Thanks for being an EZINE subscriber. Enjoy the free resources . . . and you know where to find even more free resources at www.TheSourceForYouthMinistry.com


God Bless,


If you have any other youth ministry ideas you want to share, please email me at jon@thesource4ym.com


Jonathan speaks at schools, camps, and youth events all over the U.S. He also trains youth workers and student leaders at national conferences, and seminars. Check out Jonathan’s speaker page and who’s recommending him!


Jonathan R. McKee
for Youth Ministry


Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on TheSource4YM.com. Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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