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eZine 04.04.2000

Jonathan’s Resource Ezine

Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Tuesday, April 04, 2000

In This Issue

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who is NSYNC? Keepin’ Up With Today’s Music

The other day I went into an arcade with a bunch of jr. highers and was bummed because I couldn’t find Mrs. Pac-man amongst the array of 75 cent fighting games. I recently rode in a high school kid’s car and heard over 10 songs from 10 bands that I didn’t have a clue who they were. Now that I’m over 30, it takes some serious effort to catch up with most the current media and trends. How can I keep up with the stuff that kids are putting in their heads without having to listen to the crud!

A buddy of mine introduced me to a web site: www.philchalmers.com Phil’s site “explores the dangers of negative mainstream music, and offers Christian contemporary music as an alternative.” In this site Phil details examples of lyrics and attitudes expressed by various groups. Phil doesn’t waste time waving his fist at insignificant issues, he cuts to the chase in a caring, yet “in your face” manner.

On his music review page, it states, “The groups you will find here have been reviewed by Phil Chalmers, simply as a news reporter reporting on the bad news in society. Some of these groups have positive songs, and even do positive things. Some, if not most, are even nice people. Phil Chalmers has nothing personally against the groups being reviewed, but actually loves them, as Jesus would. Phil just isn’t crazy about what these artists are doing to society, and the negative impact they are having on our young, impressionable children.”

Be sure to also check out his Christian Alternative Music Chart which can help guide youth in choosing music styles similar to the artists listed on this page.

His “parent’s page” is a must see for all parents dealing with teens about this issue.

Check out Phil’s Web Site:


$6,000 to Spare: A Valuable Lesson in Ministry Spending

By Jonathan McKee
April 4, 2000

“We’ll try to get you your $6,000 back!”

“You’ll TRY?!!!”

“Sorry, sir, that’s all we can do.”

Every Easter Break I help with an outreach, taking a group of about 250 jr. high and high school students from 3 or 4 local campuses on a fun trip to all the Los Angeles area theme parks. On this trip we present the Gospel to these unchurched teens in a large group, in small groups and one-on-one. Each year God does incredible things on this trip.

Logistically, the trip is a nightmare, like any large trip. One of the big details is transportation. There is always the conflict in choosing to rent buses or 15 passenger vans. Vans are cheaper, but a caravan of 16 or 17 vans on LA freeways is not fun. Plus, in California, all 15 passenger driver have to have their class B license which includes a physical, 3 written tests, a vehicle inspection test, a skills test, and a driving test. Needless to say . . . we went with buses again this year.

Last week, my buddy Don gets a fax. “We’re sorry to inform you that ?ABC’ bussing company has gone bankrupt . . . we will try to refund your $6,000 deposit.

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After we got the smelling salts out and revived Don, he called, verifying that this was true. It was bad enough that we have less than 3 weeks to find transportation for 147 youth. But add on top of that a $6,000 hit to the budget . . . it makes you think about taking up your cousin’s offer to just work at his laundry mat!

Don remembered that he put the charge on his VISA (we always have to get the airline miles). He called his credit card and with minutes had the charge reversed, leaving his VISA (and all their lawyers) to take care of the mess- one of the perks about using your VISA.

So, from experience, let me tell you. USE YOUR VISA when booking reservations for trips, etc. It might save you like it saved us.

Now . . . anyone have any buses we can borrow? 🙂


Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on TheSource4YM.com. Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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