Ezine Archives

eZine 04.03.2001

Jonathan’s Resource Ezine

Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Tuesday, April 3, 2001

In This Issue

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New Letter Format Same Letter . . . New Mailman

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You notice that the newsletter looks a little different this week. The Jonathan’s Resources Free E-newsletter mailing list has grown so big that it’s taking way too much time for me to manage it. I decided to use a free newsletter service provided by a Christian provider, the “Send Me More Email Management Services.”

They will be sending my newsletter out for me, handling any additions, removes or bad addresses.


    1. I can spend more time researching and developing good resources for you!

    2. I will still be getting all email responses and comments from you.

    3. Your email address is still “for Jonathans Resources only!” Your address will not be used for ANYTHING but my newsletters!

    4. “SEND ME MORE” Will handle all address changes, adds and removes.

    5. There is a small advertisement at the bottom of each of my newsletters.’ (The catch!)

I think this will be a good change. So feel free to continue emailing me responses, comments and ideas at jon@thesource4ym.com

I appreciate your patience during the transition.

5 Kids Come to Christ: A Report of God’s Work

Last year in my interview with Jim Burns many of you remember him saying:

“My . . . complaint is that we still think that we have to do things BIG to be affective. The average youth group size in America is 12 kids and a volunteer runs it. I’m excited about that. Those 12 kids can do great things for the kingdom of God. But a lot of times the youth workers who are really ministering to a group that size or a little larger feel like they are not as good as the heroes of youth ministry when in actuality, they’re doing a great job.”

You can read this entire interview on that newsletter archive page:

I love that statement.

Here’s a report of God working through a small homegroup:


We have a homegroup made up of youth that has been going since October 2000. Talking with them, we found out that a lot of them didn’t even know why they were Christians. So, we decided to start back at the basics.

We have been receiving your newsletters for about 2 months and they are a great help! Our good news is about the “Airplane Simulation Night.” (on the weekly outreach material page, link below, click on ETERNAL VS. TEMPORARY) We did this with them last night and they loved it. We tied it in with the “4 Spiritual Laws.” During worship the altar call was given. All 5 of our unsaved kids asked Jesus into their hearts. How AWESOME!!! Thank You for being part of this, in bringing more kids into the kingdom!!

In Jesus Mighty Name,
Don & Chelle

Great to hear about God working through so many different sizes and types of ministries.

Find more ideas like these on Jonathan’s Weekly Outreach Material Page:


In Case You Noticed a “Type Limp”

It’s true, I’m limping across the keyboard this week with a big bandage across my left forefinger or “index finger,” as some may call it (I call it my nose picker).

I was in the backyard two nights ago and daylight is fading fast. I planted a new “Red Bud” tree and I wanted to get some water to it before dark. I hooked up a drip line and I needed to make one final cut with the razor blade. I think to myself, “Self, you can’t really get a good grip on this drip line!” I didn’t want to go get a piece of wood or something to cut against and it was just too stinkin’ hard to grab around the little drippers I had just put on. So I held the line on my finger and, AGAINST ALL BETTER JUDGEMENT, started trying to slice through the drip line. I had one of those quick safety thoughts: “Jonathan . . . this is unsafe! You’re going to slice your finger open if this slips!” But my youthworker voice said “Chill out! I got it! It’s fine!”

I sliced through the drip line all right . . . and mad the tip of my finger look like a puppet with it’s mouth wide open! I haven’t seen that much blood in a while!

As soon as it happened my safety voice told my youthworker voice . . . “WHAT AN IDIOT!!!”

So here I am, limping across the keyboard. Thanks for being patient with my rehabilitation.

God Bless!

Jonathan R. McKee


Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on TheSource4YM.com. Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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