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eZine 03.20.2001

Jonathan’s Resource Ezine

Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Tuesday, March 20, 2001

In This Issue

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New Video Clip Ideas

Many of us use video clips as discussion starters. Some of those who visit my VIDEO CLIPS page submit ideas. Here’s a few new ones added recently:

Bruce Willis is left behind on the Asteroid to blow it up. He is able to give some last words to his daughter.

Use this in conjunction with a devotion on last words. What will our last words be?
Added by Jason A. Tompkins

Simon Birch
The little boy (Simon) all through out the movie says that God has a plan for him, and that there is a reason why he is so small. His purpose isn’t really clear until towards the end of the movie, but it has an excellent point that even though our purpose on Earth may be unclear at times, we do have a purpose!!! The movie also has a great line said by Jim Carrey as Simon’s now grown up friend. He says something to the effect that Because of Simon Birch I now believe in God. I have used this to show that we don’t know who we are going to influence as we live our life for Christ-that we might not even know who’s lives we have influenced and changed until after we are up in heaven!
Added by Justin Berger

Les Miserables
The beginning where Jean Valjean is on parole out of prison he searches for a place to stay and finds nothing. He finally gives up and an old lady points him to a church at the end of the street where the pastor and his wife take him in and feed him. He blames God as an unjust God, and then exclaims in sarcasm, “Tomorrow I will be a new person!”

Later that night he gets out of his bed and goes into the Dining room and starts to steal the silver ware that he had his eyes on that night. The priest hears a noise and gets out of bed. Jean Valjean hides, and when the preacher comes around the corner he steps out and looks at him face to face and then hits him.

The next day the police return Jean Valjean, and they find the silver utensils in his bag and they say to the priest, we have found this man and he these, he claimed that you gave them to him.” And the preacher comes up and says, “Ahhh Jean Valjean, there you are thank you for finding him officers, yes I did give them to him, and also, Valjean, you forgot the candel sticks they are worth at least 2000 franks.” And after his wife gets the officers some wine to drink, Jean Valjean asks why? And the priest says, “you have been bought with a price, today you said you would be a new man, and with this silver I have just bought you.” And Jean Valjean ends up being a new man later in the movie.
Added by Lee Mullins

Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Show the clip when Del Griffith (John Candy) and Neal Page (Steve Martin) are finally driving the rental car together. It’s night and Del tries to take his jacket off while driving, swerving off the road almost killing them. He gets back on the road and drives the wrong way on the highway almost getting them killed agian.

    1. They didn’t know they were going the wrong way.
    2. People tried to warn them- they didn’t listen.
    3. They faced the consequences.

    1. What direction are you headed in life?
    2. Who are some people that might warn us? What might they warn us of?
    3. What consequences might be lying out there for us if we continue going “the wrong way?”

Added by Brian Burkey and Jonathan McKee

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Before the battle- Marcus while on his horse tells his men that what we do now echoes for eternity! Talk to students about the fact that the things we do right now have an eternal significance for good or bad.
Added by Brian Burkey

Read more video clip discussion starters
on Jonathan’s Movie Clips page:

Duct Tape Challenge Results

The following letter was sent to me this week. Good to know that people out there are putting duct tape to good use!
Dear Jonathan,

. . . we played your “Duct Tape Challenge” last Wednesday in Youth Service and it looks like we might have set a record. One kid lasted less than a minute on the wall, while the other junior high kid hung for 40 minutes and would have stayed longer but we had to tear him down because youth service was over . . .

Matt Martin, Youth Pastor, Texas

Check out games like the “Duct Tape Challenge” on Jonathan’s
Games for Large Crowds or Audiences page:

Read about “Large Crowd Programming”
on Jonathan’s Newsletter Archive page,
Click on Dec. 12th:


Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on TheSource4YM.com. Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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