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Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
In This Issue |
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Something You Can Use: New Easter Movie Clip Discussion |
Once again the front page of our web site is packed with new ideas and free resources. This week, most of them are related to Easter, including a new MOVIE CLIP DISCUSSION in our OUTREACH RESOURCE OF THE WEEK section. Take a peek!
Main Point of Discussion: Easter reminds us of the time when God the Father made the greatest sacrifice in the universe by sending His son to die for our salvation.
The Video Clip: Most (The Bridge)
Most (Czech for ?The Bridge’) is a beautiful Oscar-nominated movie and winner of many prestigious film festivals. It tells the story of the close relationship between a bridge operator and his young son and the fateful day when both try off an impending rail disaster. A steam train full of hundreds of passengers is unaware of the danger as it heads towards an open drawbridge. Most is both a heart-wrenching and glorious story that portrays the greatest measure of love, sacrifice, hope and forgiveness known to man. (
Introducing the Clip:
Since Easter happens every year, it’s very easy for the incredible story of Christ’s sacrifice to start to sound familiar. Tonight we’re going to take a look at a scene from a film called ?Most’ (Czech for ?The Bridge’) that is an amazing picture of how Easter must have felt from God the Father’s perspective.
Let’s take a look.
Show the Most clip, which can be found here-
Transitional Statement:
This clip illustrates in a powerful way how the sacrifice of Jesus must have completely broken the heart of God the Father- and how Easter should also include a time of expressing our gratitude not only to Jesus, but to the Father as well.
Divide into Small Groups:
Let’s go ahead and split up into our discussion groups, and then afterward we’ll come back together for a final word.
What’s New: New Movie Reviews |
Enchanted (11/21/2007)
Rated PG some scary images and mild innuendo.
Directed by Kevin Lima (Tarzan, A Goofy Movie)
Starring Patrick Dempsey, Amy Adams, Susan Sarandon…
Definitely worth my best score. Enchanted was one of the most creative films I’ve seen in years.
A classic Disney fairytale collides with modern day New York City in a story about an animated princess (Adams) who is pushed into a magic well that transforms her into a real person who must make her way around New York City. Her innocence is only met with harsh real-world attitude until she finally encounters a good Samaritan, a handsome lawyer (Dempsey) and his six year old daughter. Meanwhile, an animated prince and a chipmunk transform as well, making the journey to try to bring the princess home.
It’s nice to see something new. This film is creative, original and just plain fun. It combines romance, humor, and occasional musical elements in a movie that the whole family can watch.
Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi action and violence
Directed by Francis Lawrence (Constantine)
Starring Will Smith
Will Smith does it again.
A virus has wiped out humankind, and as far as Robert Neville (Smith) knows, he’s the last man on earth in 2012. When Neville isn’t hunting for food or gathering supplies, he’s doing research to find a cure for the deadly virus that he is immune to. But the research and exploring can only be done during the day, because night brings out a horror that keeps Neville and his dog Sam hiding behind barricaded doors.
I Am Legend might be compared to 28 Weeks Later, Signs, or even The Road Warrior. But don’t be fooled, I Am Legend is not the same ol’ thing. The script is clever and original. And Smith’s performance impressed me once again.
Yes, the film is dark, but not without hope. The pacing is slow, but steady. It had me on the edge of my seat, never a dull moment.
Bee Movie (11/02/2007)
Rated PG for mild suggestive humor, and a brief depiction of smoking.
Directed by Steve Hickner (Prince of Egypt) and Simon J. Smith
Starring Jerry Seinfeld, Ren?e Zellweger, Matthew Broderick, Patrick Warburton and Chris Rock
Todd’s Rating: Rental
Jonathan and Todd both gave this film the same score… but Todd seemed to like the film a little less.
TODD’S WORD: Bee Movie has Jonathan and I divided again. Somehow we both managed to score it as a “rental”, but it’s obvious that he liked it more than I did.
JONATHAN’S WORD: Maybe it’s because I had low expectations. Or maybe it was because I watched it with my kids and saw how much they enjoyed it. Either way, I really thought it was a funny movie.
TODD’S WORD: Bee Movie has some really funny moments, but unfortunately it is an average, forgettable movie.
The story centers on Barry B. Benson (Jerry Seinfeld), a bee who has just graduated from college and is looking for more than just the one career option: making honey. Normally reserved for Pollen Jocks, Barry gets a special trip outside the hive and into New York City. While out on the adventure of a lifetime, Barry gets into trouble and has his life saved by florist Vanessa (Ren?e Zellweger). As weird as it sounds, their relationship blossoms, and he discovers that humans harvest, sell and actually eat honey. So he does what any bee would do…he decides to sue the human race.
JONATHAN’S WORD: You lost me at “average.” This movie was really funny. Now, I admit. It had a dry spell near the end when it seemed to attempt to make a point or moral of some kind. That ten minute section was a little dry. But that’s what lowered the score to a “rental” to me. Otherwise I would have given it a “Theatre Worthy.” The dialogue was creative, the story interesting… and the cameos were hilarious. Especially Sting.
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Jonathan McKee
Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.