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eZine 03.09.2010

Jonathan’s Resource Ezine

Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

In This Issue


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Something New: A Brand New Movie Clip Discussion from AVATAR about Spiritual Warfare

Avatar Spiritual warfare is a reality for our kids, whether they understand it or not. In this brand new MOVIE CLIP DISCUSSION, you can get a chance to explore this topic with your students using the Oscar Winning film AVATAR. With this resource, we literally provide you with everything you need to lead the conversation…including the movie clip itself!

Main Point: There is an unseen world that exists alongside the world we live in where a spiritual battle between God and Satan rages every day. As Christians we need to stay vigilant and aware so we don’t end up being a casualty of war.

The Movie Clip: “Not in Kansas”
In “Avatar,” a movie that’s set on a futuristic and dangerous world known as Pandora, a paraplegic United States soldier named Jake is brought face-to-face with the Na’vi. The humans from Earth find themselves at odds with the opposing culture, and….

Youth Culture Window: Stressed out?Are Today’s Kids Really the Most-Stressed Generation?

David’s Youth Culture Window article this week is a sobering glimpse into the most stressed out generation in the last 100 years. David shares new research revealing exactly how many kids are stressed out compared to the recent past, as well as some notable causes like materialism, self image, and sleep deprivation.

Stressed Out
Are Today’s Kids the Most-Stressed Generation?
An article from David R. Smith at TheSource4YM.com

According to new research, there are five times as many kids in this generation who are “stressed out” than the generation of kids who lived during the Great Depression.

Wait a second. Those kids stood in bread lines and then fought Hitler. What’s so tough about being a kid today?

The Greatest Generation vs. The Gravest Generation
Journalist Tom Brokaw immortalized the WWII generation by calling them “The Greatest Generation.” They faced unparalleled economic upheaval during the Great Depression and then victoriously participated in a global war that ended unprecedented mass murder.

Ummm…that sounds a bit stressful to me.

But it’s our current generation, Gen Y, that feels more stress. Much more stress, in fact.

In comparing test results from the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) of 77,576 young people, taken between the years 1938 and 2007, Jean Twenge of San Diego State University found that there were five times as many students who felt high levels of stress from Gen Y than kids from the Great Depression era.

For instance, in 1938, only 5% of high school and college-aged kids suffered from “hypomania,” the measure of anxiety or unrealistic optimism. In 2007, that number had skyrocketed to 40%. In 1938, only 1% of kids suffered from depression; nowadays, 6% of kids struggle with it.

As sad as this news sounds, it doesn’t come as a big shocker to those who study teenagers. Over two years ago, we wrote about kids’ high levels of stress caused by school-related activities.

However, the other reasons behind the increase in stress may surprise you…

David R. Smith

David R. Smith is the Director of Content Development at TheSource4YM.com, providing truly free resources and ideas that help youth workers reach kids. David speaks and trains around the U.S., sharing the gospel, and equipping others to do the same.

Brand New The Source Podcast: Don’t Miss our Brand New Podcast Where Jonathan, David and Todd Talk about the Importance of Training and Guide You to Some Amazing Free Training Resources

TRAINING TOOLS Podcast – Episode #35 (2/27/2010)

In this episode, Jonathan, Todd, and David talk about training adult volunteers in youth ministry. They discuss the importance of training and how you can actually do it yourself. Beyond that, they offer several free resources you can use in your efforts to make your volunteers better. Don’t miss this jam-packed podcast!

Listen to it now for free on iTunes! (CLICK HERE) Or, if you don’t have iTunes already… jump on Apple’s web page for a free download, then click on our podcast page.

Episode Highlights:

  • Learn five ways to train your adult leaders for free
  • Find out what Todd is getting Jonathan for Christmas this year
  • Learn ways to sharpen the skills of your adult leaders
  • Discover how you can access full, professional PowerPoint training seminars for free!

Speaking and Training: Take a peek at Jonathan’s speaking and training calendar so far for 2010. He’s now booking summer & fall dates!

– A Note from Jonathan –

Jonathan Speaking Tis the season to train our leaders, I guess… because that’s what I’m spending most of my time doing lately!

I just got back from a training workshop I did in Iowa for pastors and youth workers. I really enjoy training today’s leaders. In two weeks I get to turn around and do my CONNECT workshop at a huge Youth for Christ conference near the coast of Maryland. Then I’ll do my parenting workshop a couple weeks later at a church in South Bend, IN, and again a month later in NJ.

Here’s a peek at my speaking/training schedule so far for this year:

Jonathan will be speaking or training
at the following locations:

Jonathan Speaking January 8-9, 2010 (Nashville, TN)
CONNECT Training Workshop,
Our Savior Lutheran Church

January 16-17, 2010 (Beckley, WV)
Youth Ski Conference, CTI Group Adventures

February 5-7, 2010 (Dallas, PA)
Junior High Winterblast, Camp Orchard Hill

February 26- 28, 2010 (East Troy, WI)
Timberlee, WinterXtreme

March 6, 2010 (Oskaloosa, IA)
Volunteer Power Workshop

March 26-28, 2010 (Baltimore, MD)
Keynote Speaker, Impact 2010

April 10, 2010 (South Bend, IN)
Preach/Parent Workshop, Trinity EV FREE Church

April 17, 2010 (Saint Louis, MO)
Faithfest 2010, St. Louis network of churches

May 15-16, 2010 (Jackson, NJ)
Youth Rally, Preach, Parent/Youth Worker Workshop

July 11-16, 2010 (Hordville, NE)
Covenant Cedars Bible Camp, Summer Camp

October 2-4, 2010 (San Diego, CA)
Training Workshops, Youth Specialties National Youth Workers Convention

100% of the money that people pay Jonathan to speak and train goes straight to TheSource4YM.com and the free resources we provide helping youth workers across the globe!

“We have Jonathan do his training seminars at our National Youth Workers Convention every year and he always does a great job. Not only is Jonathan’s presentation dynamic, his information is extremely helpful to those in attendance. In fact, that’s why we publish his books.”

Tic Long, President Youth Specialties Events

“Jonathan is an incredible communicator. He has what it takes to get tough with this generation. He is funny, committed, challenging, and he speaks with an edge.”

Jim Burns, Ph.D.
President, Youth Builders

“Jonathan is a very talented speaker!.”

Ken Davis
Dynamic Communicator’s Workshop


Jonathan’s Resource Ezine from The Source

Delivered free via e-mail to subscribers each week. We encourage you to distribute this newsletter freely and ask only that you not change its contents.


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Copyright ?2010 The Source for Youth Ministry
All rights reserved.


Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on TheSource4YM.com. Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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