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eZine 02.09.2001

Jonathan’s Resource Ezine
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Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Friday, February 9, 2001

In This Issue

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Valentines Games, Discussion Starter, Small Group Questions, & Wrap Up (yes, it’s right here!)
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by Jonathan McKee
February 9, 2001

Here they are . . . as promised. Sorry, for those of you that were confused with my vague, unclear communication methods, letting you know that these would be sent today. I meant to keep you all eagerly anticipating these resources.

These ideas are based off a Youth for Christ JV Newsletter, and were originally submitted to YFC by Bryan Carlson, from Youth for Christ, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Love Letter
This can be a great guys verses girls game. Tell the groups that they as a team will be writing the best love letter they know how. Have teams line up in a single file line and one at a time write one word of their letter on a large piece of paper you have taped up onto the wall in front of each group. We will start both teams out with the same line such as “Honey, I love you so much that…” One at a time they will go to the board and add a word to their team’s letter. (Tell them ahead of time that they will be disqualified if they write anything inappropriate. Make sure your leaders are watching this as well.) When one person is done writing one word he/she will go to the end of their line and the next person will write a word. They cannot talk with one another or share ideas with one another. We will give them four minutes to complete the letter. Pick one student from each team to read their letter out loud to the rest of the group and have a panel of leaders vote on the best letter.

You can do it again, this time writing a break-up letter. This time start the letter, Honey I know we’ve had good times but…

This is a great skit that demonstrates some of the emotional consequences of “giving yourself away” too soon.

    You need three main characters and a few bit parts:
    – the groom, John, wearing a bow tie
    – the Bride, Anna, wearing a veil
    – the preacher holding a bible
    The skit starts with the pastor going through some of the wedding ceremony. The Bride and groom are standing in front of him holding hands.

    After a minute another girl comes up and crowds in between the bride and groom, also grabbing on to the grooms hand. The bride asks, “What’s going on?”

    John: Oh . . . ignore her . . . she’s nothing!

    Anna: What do you mean ignore her? How can I ignore her. She’s up here standing with us.

    John: Trust me, she was nothing, her name’s Christy. She’s from the past . . . it’s over between us.

    Anna: Well what was it then.

    John: We thought it was something then, that’s why we . . . but that was a long time ago and . . .

    Anna: You slept with her?

    John: Anna, that was a long time ago- I love only you now. Don’t you love me?

    Anna: This isn’t the way I planned this day.

    Another girl walks up, crowds in and holds hands as well.

    Anna: Who is this?

    John: I can’t remember her name . . . I think it’s Jennifer . . . she was just a girl I met at a party.

    Anna: I assume you are going to tell me she’s nothing?

    John: Yeah. It meant nothing . . .

    Anna: IT? What is “IT?” You mean you slept with her too?

    John: Anna, we don’t need to go through my entire past right now.

    Anna: Yeah, but it happens to be coming up!

    John: Anna, I love only you.

    Another 2 girls come up, squeeze in and hold hands with the group.

    Anna: John! Who are they?

    John: They are nothing- really! I can’t even remember their names.

    Anna: And this is supposed to make me feel happy? How do I know that I’m not just some girl who’s name you’ll forget?

    John: Won’t ever happen Anna, I love YOU now. Not Christy, Jennifer, Trixie or . . . the weekend in Los Angeles girl.

    Anna: What weekend?

    John: You don’t want to know.

    Anna: I just thought that you and I would have this special thing together.

    John: It will be special . . .

    Another girl walks up.

    John: Roxanne?

    She nods and smiles.

    Anna runs out crying and John chases after.


    1. What do you think of this skit?

    2. How would you feel if you were Anna?

    3. How would you feel if you were John?

    4. Do you expect or hope anything of your future spouse?

    5. Should your future spouse expect anything of you?

    6. If you give yourself away to people before your married, what do you have left at the altar?

Suppose you have a rich, rich uncle who likes you very much. On your thirteenth birthday he announces that he will give you$1,000 on your sixteenth birthday! For three years you are thinking about what you are going to do with all that money. On your sixteenth birthday, your uncle shows up and hands you the $1,000. He says, “The money is yours. You can do whatever you want with it. But I want to teach you to plan for your future, and I’m going to make you another promise. Whatever you have left of that thousand dollars on your twenty-first birthday, I will give you that much every month for the rest of your life. You could go ahead and spend it and have some thrills and enjoyment from it, but then you would have nothing left on your twenty-first birthday. What would you do? Very likely, as hard as it would be, you would say, “Hey, I’m going to put off the thrill of spending this money now so that I can enjoy it the rest of my life.” That’s the way it is with sex. Saving sex for marriage is not saying no to sex. It’s postponing it so you can enjoy it to the fullest and over the longest period of time. It’s knowing that you will be rewarded more in the future if you wait and that when the future comes you will be very glad that you waited.

Conclude with scripture and a challenge to purity. You may consider handing out purity cards for them to sign and keep with them.

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Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on TheSource4YM.com. Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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