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Jonathan’s Resource Ezine |
Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Tuesday, February 5, 2002
In This Issue |
- SELLING OUT YOUR FAMILY: A Valentine?s Day Gift from the LAPD
- DR. STEVE FARRAR SPEAKS TO THE ISSUE: Author of “Point Man” and “Finishing Strong” Responds to a Valentine?s Day dilemma
- CONTROLLING OUT OF CONTROL KIDS: What?s the balance between love and discipline?
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SELLING OUT YOUR FAMILY: A Valentine?s Day Gift from the LAPD |
February 5, 2002
In November, I received a note from Brian, one of my best friends who happens to work with the LAPD in Southern CA.? Ever since September 11th things have been rather hectic for a lot of our military and police.? Brian shared a little about a struggle that we just might be able to relate to and what helped him out.? I asked Dr. Steve Farrar if he would touch on the issue for us.? His comments follow Brian?s letter:
LETTER FROM BRIAN November 5, 2001? “TO THE GODLY MEN IN MY LIFE”? Howdy gentlemen! Just a quick note to tell you that I am thinking about you and praying for you even now.?? I am reading through a book right now that one of you gave me (thanks Jonathan) “Finishing Strong” by Dr. Steve Farrar. It has been a great read so far and God is teaching me things all the time.?? Since September 11th my work schedule has been a little strange. For a while we were in charge of guarding the bulk of the LAPD’s weapons and ammunition 24hrs a day. That has subsided but other opportunities to make more money have come up.?? I was listening to all of my friends at work tell me how much overtime they had been working and how much money they were making… I wanted my share. So I took an optional gig at the LA Colosseum during USC games checking all the trucks going into the Colosseum for bombs etc. On a typical game day, Saturday (my normal day off), I would spend 13-15 hrs there. Alli and Carissa (wife and daughter) were both asleep when I left, and I worked until after 8PM . . . Carissa was already asleep. So I made some good money, but I only saw my daughter asleep in her crib.?? I told myself that I was working for my family so, “it was okay.” I had several other games scheduled, and I began to see the sadness in my wife Alli’s eyes when i mentioned the work and the money…. I did not understand, I was working for her and Carissa… wasn’t I?? I brought it before the Lord and it was pretty evident that I should not be working that much. All that to tell you this: I have been blessed with special time with my family by giving up that money.?? On page 41 of Farrar’s book that Jonathan sent me, he has this to say about time with our famillies:? “Don’t let the enemy sucker you into working excessive hours to give your kids more things. Your kids don’t need more things. They need you. And they want you. The more time that you can spend with them, the more they are going to want to be like you and know the Heavenly Father who made you such a great dad. That’s how you lead your kids to Christ.”
WOW, that just rocks my world!! Thank you all for being such an integral part of who I am and for modeling this concept for me.
I love you all.
DR. STEVE FARRAR SPEAKS TO THE ISSUE: Author of ?Point Man? and ?Finishing Strong? Responds to a Valentine?s Day dilemma |
“Well Brian- I sent Dr. Steve Farrar your letter (the above article) and he wrote a special word to all of us” — Jonathan
A note from Steve Farrar . . .
Brian captured the dilemma that every husband and father faces day after day, week after week. There is no issue tougher than the family/career issue. On one hand we are called by God to provide for our families, but if we are not careful, long hours can become an addiction that protect us from dealing with the real issues at home.
I fight this battle and so do you. And sometimes we get pulled into it very gradually. Then one day we realize that we have been sucked away from our family responsibilities.? Brian faced that head-on.? I have had to face it after getting way overcommitted in the fall of 2001. The ball is my court and in yours.
I say that we follow the example that Brian has carved out. And unless I miss my guess, your kids will be just as grateful as Brian’s.
CONTROLLING OUT OF CONTROL KIDS: What?s the balance between love and discipline? |
February 5, 2002
My new ASK JONATHAN PAGE has a great question that Troy, a youth pastor from Indiana asked:
I’m a youth pastor in INDIANA.? I’m just getting started with this ministry, and I am having a little bit of trouble controlling the kids during youth group. There is always two or three kids who keep talking even after I tell them to be quiet.? I have been getting opinions on what i should do, and thought you might have some insight on the matter.
Thanks a lot,
Get yourself a high velocity paint pellet gun and . . . oh . . . wait . . . did I just say that out loud?
Thanks for the email. Good question!? Five principles to think about . . .
and more on the new ASK JONATHAN PAGE:
How do you get students? attention for the ?meat? of your discussion.? How about starting with a creative ?Opener.?? Andy Matzke, a jr. high youth pastor friend of mine, has added a great addition to our web site: an entire page of ?Openers.?? Take a peek at one:
Title:? Taking the Step of Faith!
Information: This discussion is designed to help students understand what it means to take a ?real step of faith.??
Items Needed:? Bible, 8 ft. table, bag of 25 or 50 normal, full size, round balloons (not long narrow balloons, not water balloons, not oversized balloons, just normal round party ballons)
Opener:? Hand out balloons to different students in your group. Have them blow the balloons up and tie them off.? Ask each student that has a balloon to come to the front of the room with the balloon . . .
I?ve been getting a lot of e-mails asking for Valentine?s Day IDEAS.
First, peek through my games pages.? Tons of great games that could be adapted for Valentines day:
Next- check out the VALENTINES DAY AGENDA on my outreach page:
If you have any other youth ministry ideas you want to share, please
click here to contact me!
God Bless!
Jonathan R. McKee
for Youth Ministry
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Jonathan McKee
Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.