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![]() | Jonathan’s Resource Ezine |
Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
In This Issue |
- Something You Can Use: A Ready Made Super Bowl Party
- A Competition for Your Super Bowl Party: The Super Bowl Quiz? a football knowledge quiz for all!
- More Important than the Super Bowl: The wife of Seahawks’ head coach won’t be watching her husband’s team in Super Bowl XL…
- Speakers Booking Up Fast: Are you booking speakers for 2006? Jonathan is already booked up until this summer. Book your summer events now!
- “Reaching Out to the Unchurched” Training on Both Coasts: If you’re near TAMPA or Livermore, CA?check out these affordable training opportunities!
If you aren’t a subscriber of this EZINE and would like to subscribe – it’s free – just pop on and sign up in the upper right hand corner. |
Something You Can Use: A Ready-made Super Bowl Party |
Here are the basics on what to do:
That’s right-you need a place to watch the game. If your youth group is small, someone’s house is great! If you have a large group, you can use a youth room, a gym, anyplace you can find and set up a big screen and projector. (Don’t forget that you’ll need some sort of TV tuner with reception hooked up to the projector- worse case scenario, a VCR with a pair of rabbit ears!)
Super Bowl Sunday of course, Sunday, February 5th.
That’s right-I always get some good prizes that I advertise before-hand. In the past I’ve solicited dinner certificates, ski tickets, sports memorabilia, etc. Or, if you don’t have resources for those kinds of prizes, there are always SNICKERS, MILK DUDS and DING DONGS! The prizes go to those who do best on the “Super Bowl Quiz.” You’ll see … keep reading!
Depending on what you do and what your budget is. If your ministry has a strong budget and you want to provide a good outreach for your students to bring their friends to-then make it FREE. If you have no budget, you can charge a few bucks to cover sodas, (“pop,” for all you from Minnesota) snacks, and any prizes you couldn’t get donated.
The agenda for this event is pretty easy. You give them a quiz (see SUPER BOWL QUIZ below) as they enter the party. They have to fill it out before going in (or entering the main room). Certain questions have to do with the beginning of the game- so if they come late- they can still fill out the quiz- but they miss those questions. Don’t allow anyone to fill out the quiz past the first quarter- they’ll have an unfair advantage with the final score, etc.
Then you just let everyone enjoy the game. I stand up several times through the game and do a quick “Super Bowl Challenge” (see my “Up Front Games” page: /games/upfront.asp) and give a little prize away. Then at the end, I tally up the quizzes and give away the grand prizes.
It’s a great event where students can get to know each other. (Guess what, I even did this for my adult Sunday School class- each couple takes a quiz together! Great fun!)
From Our Last Ezine
Another Resource You Can Use: The Super Bowl Quiz |
The quiz is one of the fun aspects of the party. This is the quiz that you give each student as they walk in the party. The quiz asks some basic football knowledge questions, and some questions specific to the game that day. A lot of the questions are just plain luck- like who will win the coin toss, or whether Coke or Pepsi will have the first commercial. Other questions might ask who will get the most yards, etc.
Have students take the quiz before they enter- and you can have a group of staff tally up the scores as the game ends. (Some of the answers won’t be complete until the finish of the game. i.e.: Who is going to win?)
I’ve made up a possible quiz for you with the help of my die-hard football-fan friend Don Talley who also happens to be a fantastic youth speaker (CLICK HERE for more info on Don.) Feel free to also look at or for more good information on the teams, half time shows, etc. so you can add, change, or verify more quiz questions.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Most of these answers are determined during the game- and you’ll need to take notes during the Super Bowl game to make your answer key for correcting the quizzes at the end! Also- DON’T print out the answer key (below the quiz) for the kids.
(Circle your answer to each of the questions)
1. What teams are playing in today’s Super Bowl?
- A. Indianapolis vs. Carolina
B. New England vs. Seattle
C. San Francisco vs. Denver
D. Pittsburg vs. Seattle
E. Orlando vs. Los Angeles
- A. Lincoln
B. San Diego
C. Detroit
D. New England
E. Baghdad
- A. Heads
B. Tails
- A. Heads
B. Tails
C. The coin will land on its side
- Your Answer:___________________________
- A. 72
B. 41
C. 40
D. 44
E. 2006
- A. Seahawks
B. Steelers
C. No one will ever score!
- A. The NFC Champions
B. The AFC Champions
C. The ADHD Champions
D. The NBA Champions
- A. Seahawks
B. Steelers
C. Neither team will score a field goal
- A. Minnesota Vikings
B. Philadelphia Eagles
C. Carolina Panthers
D. Houston Oilers
E. Brooklyn Dodgers
- A. NFL Championship Cup
B. World Champion Trophy
C. Super Bowl Trophy
D. Vince Lombardi Trophy
E. The Heisman Trophy
F. The World Cup
- A. $10,000
B. $25,000
C. $45,000
- A. Seahawks
B. Steelers
C. Tie Score
- A. The kicker
B. The quarterback
C. The center
D. The running back
E. The guy with the tight end
- A. Seahawks
B. Steelers
C. Both Teams
D. Neither Team
- A. Seahawks
B. Steelers
C. Tie Score
D. Mick Jagger
- A. Seahawks
B. Steelers
C. There will not be any punts
- A. 100 yards
B. 110 yards
C. 120 yards
D. 130 yards
E. 1,580 feet
- A. Seahawks
B. Steelers
- Your Answer: ________________________
- A. Coke (including Diet Coke)
B. Pepsi (including Diet Pepsi)
C. Mountain Dew
D. Dr. Pepper
E. Sprite
F. Other
- A. Eagles
B. Chargers
C. Lions
D. Titans
E. Patriots
- A. Hines Ward
B. Antwaan Randle El
C. Heath Miller
D. Willie Parker
E. Jerome Bettis
F. Cedrick Wilson
G. Someone else
- A. Wllie Parker
B. Jerome Bettis
C. Ben Roethlisberger
D. Verron Haynes
E. Duce Staley
F. Someone else
- A. Ben Roethlisberger
B. Shaun Alexander
C. Jerome Bettis
D. Hines Ward
- A. Darrell Jackson
B. Bobby Engram
C. Jeremy Stevens
D. Joe Jurevicius
E. Shaun Alexander
F. Someone else
- A. Shaun Alexander
B. Maurice Morris
C. Matt Hasselbeck
D. Josh Scobey
F. Someone else
- A. Seahawks
B. Steelers
C. There will be NO turnovers
- A. Seahawks
B. Steelers
C. There will be NO touchdowns
- A. Seahawks’ Matt Hasselbeck
B. Steelers’ Ben Roethlisberger
- A. Duce Staley
B. Shaun Alexander
C. Jerome Bettis
D. Willie Parker
- A. Over 391/2 yards
B. Under 391/2 yards
C. There will be no touchdowns
- A. Seahawks
B. Steelers
- Your Answer:________________________
(Answer Key)
2. C
3. Answer TBD
- a. Heads
b. Tails
- a. Heads
b. Tails
c. On it’s side
6. C
7. Answer TBD
- a. Seahawks
b. Steelers
c. No One!
9. Answer TBD
- a. Seahawks
b. Steelers
c. No field goals
11. D
12. B
13. Answer TBD
- a. Seahawks
b. Steelers
c. Tie Score
15. A
16. Answer TBD
- a. Seahawks
b. Steelers
c. Tie Score
d. Mick Jagger
- a. Seahawks
b. Steelers
c. No Punts
19. Answer TBD
- a. Seahawks
b. Steelers
21. Answer TBD
- a. Coke
b. Pepsi
c. Mountain Dew
d. Dr. Pepper
e. Sprite
f. Other
23. Answer TBD
- a. Hines Ward
b. Antwaan Randle El
c. Heath Miller
d. Willie Parker
e. Jerome Bettis
f. Cedrick Wilson
g. Someone else
- a. Wllie Parker
b. Jerome Bettis
c. Ben Roethlisberger
d. Verron Haynes
e. Duce Staley
f. Someone else
26. Answer TBD
- a. Darrell Jackson
b. Bobby Engram
c. Jeremy Stevens
d. Joe Jurevicius
e. Shaun Alexander
f. Someone else
- a. Shaun Alexander
b. Maurice Morris
c. Matt Hasselbeck
d. Josh Scobey
e. Someone else
- a. Seahawks
b. Steelers
c. There will be NO turnovers
- a. Seahawks
b. Steelers
c. There will be NO touchdowns
31. C
32. Answer TBD
- a. Over 391/2 yards
b. Under 391/2 yards
c. There will be no touchdowns
- a. Seahawks
b. Steelers
More Important Than the Super Bowl: The wife of Seahawks’ head coach won’t be watching her husband’s team in Super Bowl XL… |
The wife of Seattle Seahawks Head Coach Mike Holmgren won’t be watching her husband’s team in Super Bowl XL – she has more important things to do.
Kathy Holmgren and one of her daughters, Calla, leave Thursday on a 17-day medical training mission to Congo. A nurse and obstetrician respectively, the two will travel as part of an eight-person team of physicians and former missionaries to a hospital in Karawa in northwestern Congo. The hospital is part of a medical care system operated by the Covenant Church of Congo in partnership with the Evangelical Covenant Church and its Department of World Mission. The Karawa trip, conducted under the auspices of Northwest Medical Teams, was organized by the Paul Carlson Partnership.
Speakers Booking Up Fast: Are you booking speakers for 2006? Jonathan is already booked up until this summer. Book your summer events now! |
2006 camps, retreats or events?
In addition to all the free resources on our website, we like to provide you with recommendations of some budget items, like speakers, that are worth booking for your upcoming events.
Jonathan’s calendar is already booked up until summer. He still has a few summer dates open. Book him now!
“Reaching Out to the Unchurched” Training on Both Coasts: If you’re near TAMPA or Livermore, CA-check out these affordable training opportunities! |
Tampa, FL
May 20th, Jonathan is doing a Saturday workshop (9AM to 3PM) for youth workers within driving distance of the TAMPA area. If you’re a youth worker, paid or a volunteer, this is for you!
- A Personal Note from Jonathan: I’d love your help! If you are a youth worker in the TAMPA area and would like to help me spread the word to the greater Tampa area, please email me at
- Saturday May 20th, 9AM to 3PM
- St. James United Methodist Church
16202 Bruce B. Downs Blvd. (3/4 mile south of I-75)
Tampa, FL 33647
- Two choices:
- $20 (includes lunch)
- ONLY $10 for paid pre-registrations (VISA/MC accepted) on or before May 15th (includes lunch)
- CONTACT David Smith at (813) 978-8880
Jonathan will be doing his REACHING OUT TO THE UNCHURCHED training seminar at the INVIGORATE conference this year in Livermore, California on May 6, 2006. This Saturday conference is only $15 including lunch if you register by April 1st. All youth workers, both paid and volunteer are welcome. Please call (925) 455-4250 to register.
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And for more FREE resources and ideas … go to THE SOURCE
Copyright ?2006 The Source for Youth Ministry
All rights reserved.
Jonathan McKee
Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.