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![]() | Jonathan’s Resource Ezine |
Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
In This Issue |
- Featured: Our Annual Super Bowl Quiz and “Ready-Made” Super Bowl Party
- What’s New: Jonathan’s Blog Provides Youth Workers With a Regular Dose of Youth Culture, Ideas and a Typical Dose of Jonathan’s Humor
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Featured Article: Our Annual Super Bowl Quiz and “Ready-Made” Super Bowl Party |

Here are the basics on what to do:
That’s right-you need a place to watch the game. We recommend homes (This is actually even more of an issue this year… if you don’t know why, read Jonathan’s blog about this issue if you missed the discussion about the NFL’s crackdown on Super Bowl Parties at churches).
Super Bowl Sunday of course, Sunday, February 3rd.
That’s right-I always get some good prizes that I advertise before-hand. In the past I’ve solicited dinner certificates, ski tickets, sports memorabilia, etc. Or, if you don’t have resources for those kinds of prizes, there are always SNICKERS, MILK DUDS and DING DONGS! The prizes go to those who do best on the “Super Bowl Quiz.” You’ll see . . . keep reading!
It’s gotta be free. You can’t charge money for a television or movie event. But you can do a “BRING YOUR OWN…” event. Your basic POT LUCK. Have each age group bring a certain type of snack (chips, drinks, candy, etc.)
The agenda for this event is pretty easy. You give them a quiz (see SUPER BOWL QUIZ below) as they enter the party. They have to fill it out before going in (or entering the main room). Certain questions have to do with the beginning of the game- so if they come late- they can still fill out the quiz- but they get those questions marked wrong. Don’t allow anyone to fill out the quiz past the first quarter- they’ll have an unfair advantage with the final score, etc.
Then you just let everyone enjoy the game. I stand up several times through the game and do a quick “Super Bowl Challenge” (see our “Up Front Games” page: /games/upfront.asp) and give a little prize away. Then at the end, I tally up the quizzes and give away the grand prizes. (IMPORTANT NOTE: Yes, YOU have to note certain stats during the game to complete your answer key, then tally the quizzes right there at the party so you can award the winner immediately.)
It’s a great event where students can get to know each other. (Guess what, I even did this for my adult Sunday School class- each couple takes a quiz together! Great fun! ) (For More Super Bowl Party Ideas From prior Ezines CLICK HERE)
A Competition for Your Super Bowl Party: The Super Bowl Quiz… A Football-knowledge Quiz For All!
The quiz is one of the fun aspects of the party. This is the quiz that you give each student as they walk in the party. The quiz asks some basic football knowledge questions, and some questions specific to the game that day. A lot of the questions are just plain luck- like who will win the coin toss, or whether Coke or Pepsi will have the first commercial. Other questions might ask who will get the most yards, etc.
Have students take the quiz before they enter- and -IMPORTANT- have a group of staff take notes during the game, filling in the answers, and then have them tally up the scores as the game ends. (Some of the answers won’t be complete until the finish of the game. i.e.: Who is going to win?)
I’ve made up a possible quiz for you with the help of my die-hard football-fan friend Todd Pearage who most of you know from our MOVIE REVIEW page. Feel free to also look at or for more good information on the teams, half time shows, etc. so you can add, change, or verify more quiz questions.
PLEASE READ THIS: I say again- because every year some people email me after the event and ask us for the answers. WE DON’T PROVIDE ALL THE ANSWERS… because we can’t. That’s the purpose of this quiz, to tally it during the game and give away the prize at the end of your party. Most of these answers are determined during the game- and you’ll need to take notes during the Super Bowl game to make your answer key for correcting the quizzes at the end! We only provide answers to the questions that will not be determined during the game. Also- DON’T print out the answer key (below the quiz) for the kids. (Yeah… duh! But you would NOT believe how many people email us every year about both!)
(Circle your answer to each of the questions)
1. What teams are playing in today’s Super Bowl?
B. Giants vs. Patriots
C. Colts vs. Packers
D. Pittsburg vs. Phoenix
E. Squirrels vs. Red Tailed Beaver Monkeys
2. In what city is the Super Bowl being played?
B. New York
C. Glendale
D. New England
E. Baghdad
3. At the coin toss, what will the player call?
B. Tails
4. What will the result of the coin toss be?
B. Tails
C. The coin will land on its side
5. What is the name of the head coach of New England?
B. Bill Cowher
C. Bill Belichick
D. Bill Parcels
6. What is the name of the head coach of New York?
B. Tom Coughlin
C. Tom Landry
D. Tom Cruise
7. Today’s Super Bowl is Super Bowl number
B. 37
C. 27
D. 2008
E. Just mark this wrong… I can’t read Roman Numerals!
8. Who will score first?
B. New England
C. No one will ever score!
9. How many Super Bowls have gone into overtime?
B. Over 10
C. 3
D. None
10. Who will score the first field goal? (not extra point, a field goal)
B. New England
C. Neither team will score a field goal
11. When was the last time a Super Bowl was played in this stadium?
B. 2001
C. Super Bowl XXVIII
D. Super Bowl XXX
E. Terms of Endearment XXX
F. This is the first time
12. What position has been named MVP of past Super Bowls more than any other position?
B. Runningback
C. Quarterback
D. Nickelback
E. Linkin Park
13. Who will be ahead at the end of the first quarter?
B. New England
C. Tie Score
14. Who starts off every play with the ball in his hands?
B. The quarterback
C. The center
D. The running back
E. The guy with the tight end
F. None of the above
15. Which team will make its sixth Super Bowl appearance today?
B. New England
C. Both Teams
D. Neither Team
16. Who will be ahead at half time?
B. New England
C. Tie Score
D. Tom Petty
17. Who will punt first in today’s game?
B. New England
C. There will not be any punts
18. How long is a football field from the back of one end zone to the back of the opposite end zone?
B. 110 yards
C. 120 yards
D. 130 yards
E. None of the above
19. What team will receive the kickoff in the second half?
B. New England
C. The officials
20. How many total players are playing on the football field at one time?
B. 22
C. 24
D. 300
21. After the coin toss, which soft drink commercial will we see first?
B. Pepsi (including Diet Pepsi)
C. Mountain Dew
D. Dr. Pepper
E. Sprite
F. None of the Above
22. What home team normally plays on the field where the Super Bowl is being played?
B. Giants
C. Patriots
D. Titans
E. Cardinals
F. None of the Above
23. Who will make the first catch for New England?
B. Wes Welker
C. Donte Stallworth
D. Benjamin Watson
E. Lawrence Maroney
F. Kyle Brady
G. Someone else
24. Who will make the first run over 5 yards for New York (not a wide receiver)?
B. Ahmad Bradshaw
C. Eli Manning
D. Someone else
25. Tom Brady is 1 of 4 players with three Super Bowl wins as a starting QB. Name at least one of the other three.
26. Who will make the first catch for New York?
B. Amani Toomer
C. Kevin Boss
D. Brandon Jacobs
E. David Tyree
F. Someone else
27. Who will make the first run over 5 yards for New England (not a wide receiver)?
B. Kevin Faulk
C. Tom Brady
D. Heath Evans
F. Someone else
28. What team will commit the first turnover (fumble or interception)?
B. New England
C. There will be NO turnovers
29. What team will score the first touchdown?
B. New England
C. There will be NO touchdowns
30. New England has 20 players with Super Bowl experience; New York has how many?
B. 1
C. 3
D. 8
31. Which defensive player is the NFL’s FIFTH ALL TIME leader in sacks?
B. Tedy Bruschi
C. Junior Seau
D. Michael Strahan
32. How long will the longest touchdown play be?
B. Under 39 and a half yards
C. There will be no touchdowns
33. Who will be the oldest player to play in this Super Bowl?
B. Junior Seau
C. Eli Manning
D. Tom Brady
34. New York has played in more NFL championship games than any other team in NFL history, how many?
B. 10
C. 12
D. 18
35. Who will win the Super Bowl?
B. New England
36. Name one of the three NFL teams to win five Super Bowls.
37. Eli Manning was selected in the 1st pick of the 2004 NFL Draft. When was Tom Brady selected in the 2000 NFL Draft?
B. 2
C. 25
D. 199
38. Eli’s older brother lead the Colts to a Super Bowl victory last year. What is his name?
B. Jeremiah
C. Peyton
D. Jim
39. What is the name of the Super Bowl Trophy given to the winner?
B. World Champion Trophy
C. Super Bowl Trophy
D. Vince Lombardi Trophy
E. The Heisman Trophy
F. The World Cup
40. What will the COMBINED total score be? (This is the tie-breaker question. In the case you have answered correctly the same number of questions as someone else the closest answer WITHOUT GOING OVER wins)
(Answer Key)
1. B
2. C (Yes, this will make people mad. But the University of Phoenix Stadium is actually in Glendale, Arizona)
3. Answer TBD
b. Tails
4. Answer TBD
5. C. Bill Belichick
6. B. Tom Coughlin
7. A. 42
8. Answer TBD
b. New England
c. No One!
9. D
10. Answer TBD
b. New England
c. No field goals
11. F (yes, it was played in Arizona for Super Bowl XXX, but that was in Sun Devils Stadium in Tempe, AZ)
12. C
13. Answer TBD
14. C
15. B
16. Answer TBD
b. New England
c. Tie Score
d. Bono
17. Answer TBD
b. New England
c. No Punts
18. C
19. Answer TBD
b. New England
20. B
21. Answer TBD
b. Pepsi
c. Mountain Dew
d. Dr. Pepper
e. Sprite
f. None of the Above
22. E
23. Answer TBD
B. Wes Welker
C. Donte Stallworth
D. Benjamin Watson
E. Lawrence Maroney
F. Kyle Brady
G. Someone else
24. Answer TBD
B. Ahmad Bradshaw
C. Eli Manning
D. Someone else
25. Their answers can be either Terry Bradshaw (4), Joe Montana (4) or Troy Aikman (3).
26. Answer TBD
B. Amani Toomer
C. Kevin Boss
D. Brandon Jacobs
E. David Tyree
F. Someone else
27. Answer TBD
B. Kevin Faulk
C. Tom Brady
D. Heath Evans
F. Someone else
28. Answer TBD
b. New England
c. There will be NO turnovers
29. Answer TBD
b. New England
c. There will be NO touchdowns
30. C. 3
31. D. Michael Strahan
32. Answer TBD
b. Under 39 and a half yards
c. There will be no touchdowns
33. A. Jeff Feagles
34. D. 18
35. Answer TBD
b. New England
36. Steelers, 49ers, or Cowboys
37. D. 199
38. C. Peyton
39. D. Vince Lombardi Trophy
What’s Current: Jonathan’s Blog Provides Youth Workers With a Regular Dose of Youth Culture, Ideas and a Typical Dose of Jonathan’s Humor |
After years of writing articles about youth ministry, parenting and youth culture, Jonathan has finally launched a resource at one location where people can go to get a regular dose of this content. The Source is happy to announce the official launching of Jonathan’s Blog.
Some of Jonathan’s Recent Blog Entries:
Soulja Boy Up In “the What?!!”
Jonathan digs a little deeper into this raunchy song that held the #1 spot on charts for months and shares about how currently the “Superman” dance is being taught in the PE class at some public schools.
Why Teenagers Like Amy Winehouse
Jonathan talks about “authenticity” and why teenagers admire Amy Winehouse over Lindsey Lohan.
Poor Taste on TV
The more lewd and scandalous the show… the better it does. Jonathan takes a peek at the success of some recent shows and provides his two cents on the matter.
Religious Wackos Talking Trash About Heath Ledger
Heath Ledger’s death brought out some of the Christian Crazies that always seem to emerge from the cracks in the wall. What Bible are these guys reading?
NFL Cracking Down on Churches Showing the Super Bowl on the Big Screen
Numerous youth groups are wondering whether their Super Bowl parties are against NFL rules. Jonathan tells you how it is.
Generation Y’s Fleeting Attention Spans
Jonathan shares some research about Generation Y and relates it to youth ministry.
Ashley’s Christmas List in One Word
Jonathan unveils a little bit about his youngest daughter’s #1 item on her Christmas list: Webkins, the ingenious little stuffed animals that combine “real” toys with the ever-growing “virtual world.”

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Jonathan McKee
Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.