Ezine Archives

eZine 01.19.2010

This week we bring you a very special edition of our EZINE… we’re going retro. 10 years ago yesterday, January 18th …way back in 2000, I sent out my first EZINE from a little website I started at www.JonathansResources.com

Jonathan's Resources

Any of you remember that? Jump on my blog from yesterday where I talk about it and post your comment!

So here is that first EZINE, an article you can find on our ARTICLE ARCHIVES

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page from our ARTICLES & FREE TRAINING drop down menu. I encourage you to access that page, scroll to the bottom and check out some of those articles from 10 years ago. Fun stuff!

Jonathan’s Resources E-Newsletter
Y O U T H M I N I S T R Y R E S O U R C E S !
If it’s free . . . IT’S FOR ME!

Thank you for e-mailing Jonathan’s Resources and subscribing to our resource newsletter, giving you up-to-date resources for youth ministry.

Flour Swing Game
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We’re glad to provide you with effective programs, games, events, discussions, and ideas! Whether you are a volunteer, a youth leader, a youth pastor, or the Pope, you can use these practical tools to help your ministry.

If you have youth ministry ideas you want to share, please email me at jon@thesource4ym.com!!!!

You know that Jonathan’s Resources exists to provide resources to youth workers! As I always say, “let’s not waste time . . . everyone needs good resources- here’s one.”


Flour Swing
Need: Two pair of nylons and five pounds of flour

Prepare: Pour half the flour down one leg of nylons and the other half down a leg in the other pair of nylons. Mark an area on the floor for the match.

Play: Select two volunteers. Each volunteer places the waist portion of they nylons over their head. They now have two nylon legs hanging from their head, one full of flour. The players face off in the marked area for specific time period. This is a fast paced game and one minute is almost too long. Players then swing their heads to make the flour come into contact with their opponent.

The winner is the player with the least amount of flour on their clothes. (It doesn’t matter whether the flour is from their own nylon or their opponent’s.)

I take no responsibility for the results of this game!!! 🙂

Before you lead any games, be sure to check out Jonathan’s Seven Deadly Sins of Game Leading:


Have you checked out Jonathan’s Teen Lingo page? It’s the most complete dictionary of up-to-date teen lingo on the web. Jonathan just added a bunch of new words- check it out!!!

If you want more ideas, check out Jonathan’s Resources for more events like the one above, outreach agendas, games, video clips, training, and all kinds of other resources:


Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on TheSource4YM.com. Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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