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![]() | Jonathan’s Resource Ezine |
Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry
Tuesday, January 6, 2003
In This Issue |
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TEST YOUR YOUTH GROUP. Students Assessing the Youth Program. From the eyes of “A New Kid”. |
January 6, 2003
One of the most common questions I’m asked by youth workers is "How can we make visiting students feel like they belong?" Most of us want to reach out beyond our youth room walls . . . but are new students really going to like what they "feel" when they walk in?
If you’ve wondered this- you’re not alone. The most common training I do across the U.S. is Understanding and Reaching the Unchurched Teen. Reaching out . . . without repelling them!
My buddy Tim is a youthworker in a small one-high-school town. Tim runs a great youth ministry with a successful student leadership program. Tim writes with a great idea for developing student leaders AND meddling with the issue of "making students feel welcome!"
I just had a great event last weekend. I made arrangements with another Youth Pastor in a neighboring town to allow my leadership students to join their youth group for one program. What we did was we took our 11 leadership students to the farthest side of the visiting church’s parking lot and sent our students one at a time to go and find the youth meeting. (Our adult leaders then went to Starbucks for a nice treat.)
The rules for my students were simple:
- Don’t sit by or talk to any other of the student leaders from our church.
- Remember what it’s like to be scared and new.
- Notice how they welcome or don’t welcome new people and how you felt.
- What did they do or not do to help you understand what was happening or expected of you?
- What was the atmosphere and environment?
- How friendly were they to you before-during-after the program?
- Did you feel welcome to come back the next week?
Always for Him,
Great work Tim! And don’t forget to reverse roles and allow his student leaders to do the same for you. Good for the students to experience both ends of the coin. -Jonathan-
What? . . . did everyone get a new budget for 2003? On January 1st everyone started buying books again! So I decided to help you out and knock 20% off mine, U.S., CANADA, down under . . . anywhere!
Use this link to check out what people are saying about Jonathan’s book or to take advantage of 20% off: https://thesource4ym.com
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God Bless,
If you have any other youth ministry ideas you want to share, please email me at
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Jonathan R. McKee
for Youth Ministry
Jonathan McKee
Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.