Browsing Category:Sharing Events

All you need for this one is a theme park that has go carts/race cars and your Bible. buy cellcept online Send out invitations and make a big deal about this one. Get as many of your kids, plus as many of their friends as you can. Bus them over to the theme park for a...
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Kung Fu night always rocked. We would get a ton of Chinese food and decorate our house as Chinese as we could get it (no chairs, lots of paper lanterns and some traditional Chinese artwork). We even had Chinese music playing in the background. Everyone had to dress Kung Fu and we played cool Kung Fu related games -...
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I have to give credit to Chinese Christian Union Church in Chicago, IL for this idea, because I stole it from them. The idea is to bring in an adjustable basketball hoop. Then students can enter the slam-dunk competition in 7, 8, or 9-foot high divisions. You can format the contest however you like; the NBA Dunk Contest has...
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The key to this event is the timing. What better thing to do in Kansas in the winter than ... HAVE A BEACH PARTY! Kids always feel more comfortable inviting friends to an event like this because it sells itself- it's something they can't do anywhere else! (Sorry Californians, you just won't understand this one!) Kids love dressing up...
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