Rent and set up two sets of professional black lights. Tape up floor hockey sticks, nets, pucks, and lines with fluorescent tape. Get co-ed teams of 5, turn out the lights, crank up the tunes, and let the glow in the dark craziness begin! Door prizes, a short God talk, pizza and a big cheesy trophy complete the event....
Our church rents a really big park with skating in a predominately diverse neighborhood (skaters/gangs). We do 7 hours of food, games, prizes, bands, speakers, clowns, and much more. Every hour or so we have someone give a Gospel message.Many people that would not attend a church came and had a great time. We had several first time decisions.Ted...
Each year we conduct a messy outdoor event involving as many messy events as we can come up with (several come from The SourceÕs "sick and twisted" games page). The point is that we make a mess outside. Games like Lemonade Machine, Chocolate Drop, Balloon Shaving, Egg Toss, etc. We present a message on the effect sin has on...
Families from our church host a backyard event called the Backyard Bible Quest. They invite kids from their neighborhood, and provide their yard and a snack. We do creative crafts and play fun games. Then we make sure great storytellers present the greatest story ever told. online pharmacy buy vibramycin online no prescription Through this event we've reached hundreds...
The idea is simple. We want to serve people outside of our church community. So we challenge people IN our church to identify neighbors that are NOT in our church and then we'll go paint, clean, mow, trim and SERVE them in any way. One lady was so thankful, she wrote our local newspaper commenting how grateful she was....
The youth meet together once a week and they go out and minister to the elderly in our church. They go and visit, clean house or run errands for the elderly. Then, that night at our regular youth meeting, they have a praise night of sharing what they did and how God ministered to them and helped them see...
The homes around our church have a lot of citrus trees. Some have as many as 10-15 trees per home. This is far too many for the average person to harvest and I noticed that much of the fruit was lying on the ground, rotting.I went around and asked if we could pick the fruit and give what was...