Browsing Category:Outreach Event Ideas

All you need for this one is a theme park that has go carts/race cars and your Bible. Send out invitations and make a big deal about this one. Get as many of your kids, plus as many of their friends as you can. Bus them over to the theme park for a night of high octane fun, racing...
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Each week during the school year I hang out on the sidewalk in front of our church as students from the nearby junior high school walk home. I hand out free sodas and snacks and have footballs or discs to play with. I spend the time getting to know the youth and inviting them to our youth events.I have...
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This youth worker's youth facility is right next door to the local Pregnancy Care Center. To help apply "love your neighbor as yourself" our youth group volunteered to clean their entire building for free. With fifteen teenagers it took less than two hours to sweep, mop, clean toilets, take out trash, vacuum, and even take some pictures in the...
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We asked all the youth to submit "Gizmo Games" (Not video games, just any game that included some kind of electronic device or mechanical gizmo, not including Game Boy, X-box, etc.). We got games like Henry, Bop-It, Bop-It Extreme, Dance Revolution, Foosball, Pin Ball & Air Hockey.The evening started with students signing up for as many games as they...
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After seeing my kids bring a skateboard to every event I had, I decided not to fight it but to work with it. My heart is outreach and I looked at the trends of teens. We were missing the skater kids. So, I decided that the community needed to come together as one body in Christ to offer a...
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Three church's combined forces, mixed up all of the teens (60 in all) and divided into three separate work groups. We painted a women's shelter, we installed playground equipment, and we painted a house (simultaneously) in just about 4 hours. A day of hard work was followed by a night of games, praise & worship, fellowship, and tons of...
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Simple but effective. We have a bunch of great surfers in our church, young and old. Many of the surfers are willing to donate their time to reach our community. Our families and students go out every other weekend. This has been a great time to build relationships with kids that don't come to our group, but want to...
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