Browsing Category:Outreach Event Ideas

This is a service project for your student leaders or a small group . . . with a creative twist. Arrange a service project for your group. You could volunteer to clean someoneÕs home or even something like cleaning a supply closet in your church. I decided my office, storage room, and table storage room needed...
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Break your group into several teams. Depending on your neighborhood, teams can walk or be driven. Give them a list of non-perishable food items to find with point values assigned to each item (see below). Students collect items off the list. Obviously the team that has the most points wins. However, it is also a service event. All food...
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Yep, we got this idea off a Tide commercial on TV. We now have an annual mud bowl. In August we plow a 100ft by 200ft area, soak it for two days and plow it again. We then play football and freeze tag (the one where to get unfrozen you have to dive through the frozen person's legs). The...
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Our church is located near, and surrounded by, "the projects." So our church has an actual dance team that is learns choreographed hip hop dance routines to perform to Christian rap music at a block party in the very middle of these homes. It is a great way to let them know about our church.Tyra King, Volunteer, Anderson, SC
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The idea is to set up many challenges for teens to participate in (a climbing or scaling wall, dunk tank, obstacle course, radar gun baseball throw, sumo wrestling, four-way volleyball, etc.) and then have a gospel presentation geared towards teens and give them "The Ultimate Challenge." My husband and I started this three years ago as an outreach program...
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We live in a small town where there is not much to do and not much close by (45 min to nearest theatre, shopping, etc). I hold a "Coffee House" 2 times a month where kids can gather in a safe atmosphere. We play pool, ping pong, foosball, cards, karaoke, and yes, we even have coffee with light snacks....
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Go to your local skate park at around 6 or 7 pm. Take a grill and some coolers of water, lemonade, and soda. Grill up the hotdogs and yell "FREE HOTDOGS!" Kids will surround your grills and start eating and talking. Kids begin to ask why you're there. Just tell them "cuz we care about you." Sometimes the door...
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