Browsing Category:Inviting Events

Simple but effective. We have a bunch of great surfers in our church, young and old. Many of the surfers are willing to donate their time to reach our community. Our families and students go out every other weekend. This has been a great time to build relationships with kids that don't come to our group, but want to...
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Our church has a "food trailer," nothing fancy. We take it different places and give away food and drinks (for free). This summer we will be going to the skate park and when football practice starts we will go to the campus. We do hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and drinks. For the football teams we do water and Gatorade....
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This is a really neat event that brings the little youth (and their parents) together with teens for prayer, fun and food. You just pick a simple art project, something that the older teens can help the younger kids with, (we painted wooden crosses as Easter presents for parents). Get your teens involved early with this and encourage them...
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I came up with this outreach idea while volunteering with Dora High School's Softball Team. The girls love to eat sunflower seeds. So I went to Sam's and got a large bucket with 60 packs of sunflower seeds in each and made a shipping label that had the name of my church, the meeting times, and a little saying...
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Basically this is a car show and designed to reach "low riders," "hot rods" and their owners. The style of the cars will attract different participants and onlookers. Be sure to provide food and awards. Realize- that you'll see some risquŽ stuff (bikini clad girls painted on cars, crude t-shirts, etc.) We allow for the lost to be the...
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