Celebrate Cinco De Mayo in the typical fashion. Have a fiesta themed night complete with build-your-own nachos. Play latino music. Teach everyone how to salsa, if your denomination allows for it. Then the coup de gras. Play games with pungent things from the Latino food store. One that we played was where you buy 6 things and put each...
This worship service is not intended to ÒworshipÓ teachers by any means; itÕs only meant to celebrate them and their call by God to teach others. Plus, if you want it to, it can also provide a great means for helping furnish teachersÕ classrooms with much-needed school supplies. HereÕs how you do it. Begin by sending out a letter...
This outreach event idea is great for inviting more of your communityÕs youth to attend your ministry. (The first time we did this, our youth group size basically tripled from the Òmonth beforeÓ to the Òmonth after.Ó) The premise is simple: instead of doing one time giveaways to invite youth to come out to your event, why not stretch...
Have your students sign-up at youth group to have you bring pizza & pop to their school, enough for them and 5 friends. Make sure you run your idea by the school officials to ensure they are comfortable with the idea.You can bring it the following Wednesday (or whatever night you host your youth group) so the kids can...
Each week during the school year I hang out on the sidewalk in front of our church as students from the nearby junior high school walk home. I hand out free sodas and snacks and have footballs or discs to play with. I spend the time getting to know the youth and inviting them to our youth events.I have...
You remember the little Sunday school project with the Easter eggs? Ever thought of using that for an evangelism tool? A month before Easter, give your group a chance to make a difference through giving away Easter Eggs. The large plastic egg includes symbols of the items used during the crucifixion (a white cloth spattered with red marker -...
Our church is located near, and surrounded by, "the projects." So our church has an actual dance team that is learns choreographed hip hop dance routines to perform to Christian rap music at a block party in the very middle of these homes. It is a great way to let them know about our church.Tyra King, Volunteer, Anderson, SC